Chapter 17~ The North

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Joffrey's POV;

Joffrey stood outside the door of his wife's chambers, knowing that she possibly couldn't have lived through the fire that had been brilliantly aggressive. 

Yet she had left and not alone but with that guard of hers and her stupid dog!

...And two dragons, which Joffrey believed considering that he had clear evidence of it. As Joffrey walked inside the room, the two dragon eggs were seen cracked, opened right in half, and he was certain. 

"How the FUCK did the eggs crack and how the FUCK is she still alive?!" Joffrey burst in anger, looking at his guards. Obviously, they would not know! However, the guard that hadn't been killed was just coming towards him. 

"My King," he got down on one knee. "I tried to, but she startled me." Joffrey tried not to command anyone to kill him just yet, but was impatient and angry. 

"Kill him," Joffrey said. "I don't need weak guards." 

"My King! Please! I have useful information..."

"Unless you can tell me how the fuck the bastard bitch has two dragons and lived through the fire to kill one of my men, then your information is not useful."

The guard got up and looked at the King with eyes of a hidden smirk. He knew something...

"My King," the guard said. "Queen Helena-"

"The bastard." Joffrey interrupted. 

"... was never a bastard." Joffrey opened his eyes in shock. He gestured for the guard to continue, which he did without hesitation. Obviously, when it came to his own life, he would most likely say anything to live.

"She lived through the fire because she is the daughter of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen, my King." Joffrey was like a paralyzed fool, standing there like a statue. 

He never thought of it before, but he should've remembered the stories about the Targaryen's and their trait marks... Fair skin, violet eyes and beautiful. Nonetheless had Joffrey many times heard her speak valyrian, her guard always taught her!

"If she's the daughter of Rhaegar Targaryen," Joffrey said, looking at everyone in the room. "Then that makes her and her twin brother rightful heirs to the Iron Throne." He could not let any of it happen... 

"How the hell did she kill one of my men?!" Joffrey questioned. "Is her guard resistant to-"

"She can fight." the Hound suddenly said, standing in the corner of the room, observing as always. How in the world did she learn how to fight? And when?

"Excuse me?" Joffrey questioned, mostly in disbelief. 

"I've seen her," the Hound said with a tired tone. "She's got excellent skills with sword and without."

"How do you know this you filthy dog? Why have you not told me!" 

"A Queen does as she wills," the Hound said dryly. "Had I stopped her, she would've killed me, too." Joffrey expected some sarcasm in it, but he was completely serious. If Helena could kill the Hound, whom clearly seemed to fear her in some way, then... 

"Find her and kill her."

"She has two dragons." Tyrion said as he came into the room. He looked disturbed and irritated, angry as if he was going to slap Joffrey any minute. 

"The things you have done to that girl," Tyrion suddenly said angrily. "Tortured her and her family, killer her father and her son in front of her! You almost had her raped in front of everyone and tried to burn her alive. The entire Kingdom is in danger because of you and let me tell you that you cannot fight a dragon easily." 

Joffrey looked at his uncle with despise. "So what do you suggest?" 

"I suggest you hide somewhere else," Tyrion said. "You've already lost." 

Helena's POV;

Helena had no idea where she was going, no idea how to deal with anything any longer. All she knew was that she was going home, wherever that was. Word had spread that Robb was riding further north to the Frey's. 

But Helena wanted to see Jon. 

"My Queen, where are we going?" 

Helena shot Devrys a look and shook her head. "I am no longer a Queen, ser Devrys, might as well call me Helena or if you please it, Elyana or Visenya." She didn't care, all she wanted Devrys to know was that she was no longer a Queen. 

But he didn't respond in that way. 

"Elyana Visenya Targaryen," Devrys said her full name. "You will always be my Queen, tiara or no tiara, castle or no castle." Helena watched him as they walked, his cloak around her naked body where the dragons hid peacefully. 

"We're heading north." Helena said, knowing that leaving Sansa would break her heart. However, she would come back for Sansa and she knew for a fact that Arya was alive. Devrys had made sure of it and she trusted Devrys. 

Claw walked beside her, clearly happy not to be in the castle any longer. 

"I will arrange it." Devrys said, running off somewhere and leaving Helena by the stairs to the ocean. Helena looked at Claw and petted her direwolf, stroking his soft and beautiful white fur. 

"I am so sorry, Claw," Helena said as she brought him into a hug. For some reason, she started weeping without actually wanting to. She had longed for freedom, but now she just lost everything. 

"I will take you home." Helena promised Claw, kissing the direwolves head softly as the dragons climbed up and made themselves visible from the cloak. Devrys had clearly been calm when he saw the dragons, considering he'd seen dragons before in Essos. 

With Daenerys Targaryen. 

But she was not going to Essos, she had a special feeling that these dragons had hatched for a reason and she would protect them just like she protected Claw and would protect them better than she had protected her son. 

"Stark," Helena pointed at the blue night sky dragon then changed her look to the larger, white dragons. "Rhaegar. Two fitting names for two brilliant dragons.." Helena said to herself, smiling. The dragons responded with noises as they nuzzled into her chest. 

Next minute, Helena was on a ship going to the only place she knew as home. 

The North. 

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