Chapter 54~ Fourteenth blood betrayal

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Helena was so dizzy that even breathing felt like a fantasy. 

But seeing his face, seeing him fight, seeing him killing them all with his bare hands, seeing him coming for her rescue, made her feel alive. Even if it was just a dream, she didn't care... She didn't. She was just confused. 

Why was she dreaming of him? Why him? 

 Breath, she thought. She had to make it out alive, but if this was going to be her death... At least she got to see someone beautiful in her last dream. 

"Helena!" He shouted her name, but it wasn't real. It wasn't him. It was just a dream, right? 

"Don't you dare close your eyes, 'Elena!" he shouted, and suddenly she no longer felt her arms being pulled against chains. Maybe she was going so numb... 

But then there was a touch, on her face, someone cupping her face. Strong hands, warm yet cold. Helena opened her eyes slowly, met by those cold grey eyes that she had seen so many times in her dreams. 

Except this time he was touching her, she felt his skin against her skin and it was probably the most ethereal feeling in a very long time. Her look became desperate as she looked at Damien, feeling happiness storming into her heart like a dagger. 

"Damien...?" she said weakly, breathing hard. 

"I'm here." He was here. 

"Is it you?" she felt tears rolling down her cheeks. "You're not a dream?" 

She felt Damien's eyes examining her face, his eyes worried as he looked at her, shaking his head. It really was him. 

Without actually thinking, she threw herself over him. 

Damien's POV;

He had been shocked to see her, had been shocked to actually have him carry her. He had carried her in his arms very carefully considering her entire back was filled with vicious whip marks. She looked completely destroyed and it was a wonder that a tiny girl like her could've survived such physical abuse. 

Not even a grown man could've taken such abuse for days. The flesh on her back had been so bad that there were some spots that were completely open. 

Luckily, Damien knew how to ease the pain and attend to such harsh wounds. Having magic had its advantages even if it meant he could not fully heal her wounds. 

He had cleaned them of course then simply tried his best to attend to them very carefully without waking her up. These were, after all, very fatal wounds. 

"I can't believe they actually did that..." Jon said from across the room, sitting in a corner on a chair. They were still in King's Landing, but it was pretty much safe here. Besides, they'd leave the minute Helena felt better. 

Of course, Damien would have to leave sooner. 

As he took up the bandages, he thought of how she would react when she woke up, hearing the news. 

"It's my fault..." Dev said, burying his head in his hands. Damien nodded with an ironic grimace. 

"I agree," he said, almost too lightly. "You failed to save her son."

Jon gave Damien a look of disapproval and turned to face Dev. "There was nothing we could do... He died in the Great sept of Baelor along with Queen Margaery. He was one of many, Devrys We couldn't have known."

"Wrong." Damien said with an evil smile. "You could've if you just looked out for the boy. But what does that matter now... He's dead." Damien shrugged and finished bandaging Helena up who was still sleeping. 

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