Chapter 26~ Master of Whisperers

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"You helped me even though you risked their lives." Daenerys said to Helena as they walked, watching the night sky fall down. It had been nearly a week now since the success of the Unsullied. 

"I did what anyone would've done." Helena said, holding Ice against her hip. 

"You speak valyrian, too. I did not expect that." Well, it had taken Helena shit loads of time, but she did learn...

For a moment it was quiet and Helena felt like she ought to be honest. Being in Astapor was one thing that drove Helena crazy. 

"I am riding off to King's Landing tomorrow." Helena said as they walked, but of course that made the Khaleesi stop and look at her niece. Sometimes, Helena forgot that Daenerys was her aunt. 

Besides, they had gotten quite close. 

"Why?" Daenerys asked in shock. 

"My sister is there with monsters," she said. "I have family that I need to save from a living Hell."

"But I am your family."

"Yes," Helena said, walking towards Daenerys and holding her hand. "You are, and I do not regret knowing you at all. But I cannot stay here. I have to take back Winterfell, or else no one will... Word has spread about the Bolton's wanting to take over and I cannot let that happen." 

Sansa's POV;

Every day in the castle Joffrey would tell her how her sister was a traitor like her brother, father and everyone else. He had talked about killing her, however, was too scared of what might happen to him considering Jamie Lannister warned him. 

Sansa had no idea her sister had become so frightening. But it was certainly not a bad thing.

Joffrey was, however, getting remarried quite soon. Things were getting a bit better for Sansa. She noticed the Hound wasn't as bad as she thought. 

He had protected her several times. 

But would he do it now?

"Sansa Stark." Joffrey said as Sansa stood in the middle of the Great Hall. She hoped that Joffrey wouldn't decide to do anything stupid. All the appreciation for him was gone. He had, after all, killed her father and his very own son, her nephew. 

"My King." Sansa curtsied, even though all she wanted to do was to kill him right on the spot. 

"I have made a decision," he said, being very determined. "You are now Lady of Winterfell, meaning Winterfell is yours for you are the eldest since everyone above you is .. well, dead." Joffrey said with a smirk as Sansa looked down at the ground, shaking and refusing to cry. 

Her mother was dead and so was her brother... She hated all of this, she sincerely hoped for Helena to return and prayed that Arya was okay. 

"You will marry my uncle!" Joffrey said, which surprised her. She would marry Jamie? "You'll marry Tyrion! My useless uncle, as useless as you are!"


Then hell broke lose as three guards started to rip off her clothes. 

Helena's POV;

Helena walked with ser Jorah and Devrys, knowing that what she was about to do was probably a mistake. Walking towards the tent where Daenerys sat she saw three men. 

She did not know who they were, but she knew one thing; they were not here out of respect. 


"I don't give a single fuck." Helena said, determined as she clutched onto her sword. By Dany's side was Claw, waiting patiently for her. 

Soon enough Helena pulled her sword out and pointed it towards the man closest to her. 

Dany looked at Helena with big, shocked eyes, knowing that she was not here to make anything nice of this. 


"I am Helena, and I know what these men really want." Helena spat, furrowing her eyebrows. "I heard them speak before, and they're sent here to kill."

"Kill me?" Dany questioned, just as Helena shook her head. 

"No," she said, gritting her teeth. "Devrys."

Jon's POV;

"Every time a Targayren is born," Varys said. "The Gods flip a coin." Jon looked at him weirdly and tried to understand the meaning of it. Well, one thing he really had to do was to get out of here. 

"What do you mean?" Jon asked, standing there as every knight passing by looked at him with some kind of... hatred or admiration. It was either one. 

"Your sister is expected in the North," Varys suddenly said instead. "Lady Stark will be married to Tyrion Lannister, and that means Winterfell will belong to the Lannister's."

"Over my dead body."

"That is why you need to go, Jon Snow." Varys said. "You are, just like Queen Helena, the heir to the Iron Throne. Only difference is-"

"I don't care about the Iron Throne, lord Varys. I care about my sisters and my brothers! I don't know how to leave without getting killed."

"Your sister," Varys said. "Either that, or I can get you out of here." 

"And how will Helena help me?!" Jon questioned, erupting with anger. But he had almost forgotten that his sister had more power than the King had now. 

"She has two dragons bigger than you and me, she is skilled enough to kill half of the Frey's. Your sister is a Queen, and a very frightening one with a big reputation. No one here would dare to touch her, Jon."

He really hoped not... But he knew, he had to do what he had to do. 

"Fine," Jon said. "I will write to my sister, but how do I know where she is? Have you questioned yourself that?"

"They don't call me the Master of whisperers for nothing, Jon Snow." 

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