Responsibility is Egg-hausting

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Even if he was seeing it in front of him, Duke still had to pinch himself to see if he was dreaming or not. The young meta stood in the hallway looking through Damian's open door as he went about measuring, grumbling, and nailing things to his walls. Several sharp weapons were strewn about as the youngest Wayne was ensuring there were safety attachments to sheaths and much more. The cookie in Duke's hand was long forgotten. Lost for the fact that his little brother was putting safety foam to cover the sharp edges of his favorite katana. That way, it still could be on display, but if it fell from its stand, no danger would befall anyone who could be struck by it.

The whole situation was... astounding.

Duke couldn't look away.

Loud yawning broke the productive silence as Tim made his way out of his room. He noticed his meta brother staring at Damian's room a little further down the hall. "What's up? Y'know, if you keep staring into the abyss, the abyss will probably throw something sharp at you."

"Dude, you have to come see this...." Duke said without moving his eyes away from the impossibility before him. "I think... I think Damian might be broken."

Tim snorted a bit as he came up on Duke and peered into his little brother's room. "What gave it away? The fact that he grew up as an assassin or that he is a self-centered brat with a superiority complex?" As he spoke, he wrapped an arm around Duke's shoulders and took in the chaotic room before them. The only safe place was by the headboard of the bed. Sitting proudly on Damian's pillow, there was none other than the rock that Tim had seen last night. Only now, it rested snugly in a plush towel with every sharp implement several feet away from it. Damian had even taken down his favorite katanas that usually hung on the wall mounts above the bed. The boy sat at his desk, cutting several different foam shapes and fitting them onto an array of bladed weapons without sheaths. "Is he... is Damian safety-proofing his weapons...?" Tim asked incredulously.



"It appears so... wait, Tim!" Duke's eyes finally broke away from his little brother to the other black-haired teenager in the hallway. "Don't touch the doorframe-"

There was a startled cry as Tim was thrown away from the open door and smacked into the hallway wall on the opposite side. The wood where Tim's hand had touched crackled with electricity, and both boys heard the slight snicker Damian made from within.

"OKAY! What is up with that?!" Tim cried as he scrambled up from the floor. "He's safety-proofing his entire room, but the door frame is trapped!?"

"That's not the only part of the door that is dangerous," Duke said with a smirk while giving a cursory glance at the doorway as a whole. "Though you did manage to find the one that would hurt you the least, so good job...? Silver lining?"

Tim ignored his brother with a roll of his eyes and focused on what Damian was doing. "You think Alfred put him up to it? I remember he kept having his knives confiscated for attacking us all willy-nilly for a while."

"And Damian is just now listening to him about it?"

"Nah, you're right. Damian would hide them in better spots rather than put actual locks on his swords." They both fell silent and watched their brother in amazement for a few moments before Tim spoke up again. "So... how long has been doing this?"

Duke looked at the clock on his phone. "Well, at least an hour because I left my room about an hour ago but judging by that newly acquired glass cage on the wall... he's been doing this for a lot longer."

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