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Constantine kept his word. Not that Damian ever doubted. So that magic wasn't just some fancy flare to appease him. What he didn't know was that his Father was hot on the magician's heels without Damian having to say anything about all the bills sent to the Watchtower. There was nothing in the agreement about Batman finding out on his own. Constantine also didn't add the clause that Damian would have to try and protect his secret in some way. So the boy was content to let things unfold on their own. If Constantine whined to him about it, all he had to do was point that out. One would think that a conman who was constantly tricking demons and fey left and right would have thought their deal through a little more. Just because Damian was a child didn't mean he should be underestimated.

They... really did that... didn't they?

"Unfortunately, I wasn't expecting anything less." Damian sighed heavily as he adjusted the gloves of his Robin uniform as he stood before the displays that held all of the hero uniforms of his family. The old ones, anyway. Now a new one had been added right next to Damian's old Robin uniform and inside the glass case was none other than the Grinch outfit. Brown had to be the one to have thought this idea up. The only way they could have gotten away with it is if Bruce had agreed. Meaning that they had somehow got his Father to agree to this. More than likely, it was seen as an addition to his punishment. It worked.

Damian wanted nothing more than to erase that stupid santa suit from existence. But he couldn't do it right now. It would be too obvious. He would have to bide his time until something more pressing or hilarious happens to make the outfit mysteriously disappear... and did Dick really have to include the little elf hat Danny had to wear? He was going to wish he hadn't put it in there once Danny formed.

When I get my powers back, I can make it disappear real easy for you.

"I might just take you up on that offer," Damian whispered to himself as he grabbed a spare comm from the arsenal and started making his way out of the cave when Batman called for him. "Are you sure that you are feeling better after that... incident?" The pure ectoplasm had done wonders for the ghost boy. His voice was clearer and the aura he gave off seemed to be much more vibrant than before. Which was a relief to how dim it had become when Danny had fired that ice blast at Constantine. Damian was still concerned about the repercussions of that but Danny had reassured him for the most part. It just showed how much energy it took for the ghost teen to do something that would have been considered to be easy before all of this.

The ghost just laughed the vigilante's concerns away. I'm feeling fantastic! It's been so long since I got to feed off of pure ectoplasm! I feel like I just chugged twenty redbulls with a side of speed. This is the best I've felt in a while!

Damian sighed as he made his way to his normal patrol route. He could feel the ghost core vibrating within his pocket. "Well, since you have so much excess energy, when I get to my first lookout point, do you mind injecting ectoplasm into this comm? It wouldn't hurt to have it just in case another Ghostwriter incident happens again."

No problem! I bet I could reform right now!

"Don't." Robin vaulted up the fire escape of the closest building and ran to the edge to overlook the city below. "Constantine might be a drunk bastard but he knows what he is talking about most of the time. If you still feel this way after a couple of months, you can try it. But for now, just relax. We don't want to end up rushing it and something worse happening."

Wow. You really sounded like a parent there.

Robin smirked as he jumped to the next building. "Tt. That just means I'm right."

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