A Small Space Eggventure

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A/N I bet you are all wondering where all this came from. This has all been sitting in the wings and I decided to post it all now. It is now 100% caught up to what I am currently at ^ ^


"Ah, Damian, there you are." Bruce looked up from the documents on his desk as his youngest made his way into the immaculate office. Damian kept walking until he stood dead center in front of the desk. Back straight, arms behind his back. Looking every bit formal in the assassin training he had grown up with.

"Yes, Father. You called for me?" Damian arched a curious brow. Trying to be subtle as he glanced at the closed door of the office. His body itching to fidget but he kept it professionally still. A few weeks had passed since Danny was announced to the family. Despite the chaos that was one Daniel Fenton, things were beginning to settle. The others still went out of their way for the teen turned toddler but Danny knew he had them all wrapped around his tiny fingers. So much so that he got away with a lot more than he probably should. But the others had proven that they could care for the halfa in Damian's absence. Thus why he was able to go to his Father's office without a tiny charge trailing after him.

Though his body was telling him to go run back to the kid. He was up to something...

Then again, when was he not?

What was surprising was that Damian had been called to his father's office so late. It was almost time for patrol and Danny had gotten into the habit of trying to sneak out with him. Not on his watch. There was no way in hell that Damian would allow such a thing, even if Danny could go invisible and intangible.

Bruce smiled a bit but didn't comment on Damian trying so hard to hide the fact he wanted to return to Danny. "We are not going on patrol tonight. Dick has come over to cover. You are to go collect Danny because we are heading up to the Watchtower tonight."

This had Damian perking up immediately. "We are going to get Danny a proper checkup?"

"Yes, and I am hoping the fact that because the base is in space, it will go much more smoothly than when we tried to extract blood from him the first time." Bruce stood up from his desk and gestured to Damian to follow him out of the room. "There are a few other things that I need to do while up there. So, I am expecting you to keep a close eye on him. Odds are, the testing will finish before my work. Go ahead and give him a tour of the facility, just keep away from the restricted areas."

Damian nodded as he followed his father out into the hallway and walked with him side by side. "He is still very much a child but, when he needs to be, Danny can be very well behaved."

"I concur, Master Damian." Alfred agreed as he approached the two. "Whenever he is around me, he shows nothing but respect and good manners. No doubt taught by an exemplary role model." He gave Damian a wink as he said it. "If you are looking for young Daniel, he should be terrorizing Master Tim in one of the living rooms."

"Why don't you go get him and we can meet down in the cave?" Bruce smiled at his youngest and pat Damian's shoulder affectionately.

"Yes, Father." Damian replied, unsure what to do with the more affectionate side of his father showing through. That was another thing that had changed since Danny's 'hatching'. Bruce was better about... expressing himself. He still had a very long way to go but he was giving out more praises and less criticisms and grunts as of late. It... it was nice. With a quick goodbye to the adults, Damian made his way to the living room that Tim favored the most. Listening for the telltale groans of the teen as Danny terrorized him.

Maybe he should tell Danny to back off a small bit. Due to Tim's natural paranoid behavior, he was Danny's favorite to tease with his ghostly powers. So far Tim had taken it all in stride but Danny only had the armor of being a small child for so long. If he pushed to much then Tim was bound to retaliate. Hopefully, he could get there before it came to that.

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