Let Us Go, Const-egg-tine!

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"No. Absolutely not."

"But you just said, yourself, that we need a ghost doctor to get a better idea of Danny's health. Why would we not go and see this 'Frostbite'." Damian scoffed at the magician while tapping his foot impatiently.

Constantine gave up, pulled a cigarette out of one of his pockets, and lit it. Smoke detectors be damned. "No, it's great that the little king has a doctor but my answer is still no."

"Oh, come on! He is one of the ancients! He has been around forever! Frostbite would know what was wrong with me just with a quick glance." Danny fell back onto the bed exasperated from the argument that had taken place when he mentioned going to visit the healer.

The blue eyes bugged in Constantine's face as he took a steadying drag from the cigarette. "You do... you do realize that isn't helping your case, right? You guys wanna see another ghost? Sure. Need to contact a demon? No problem. I am not about to take 3 children to see one of the most powerful beings in existence! With only a teenager turned toddler to vouch for them!"

"Hey! Frostbite is really nice!" Danny sat back up with a growl. A bit of green seeping into the blues of his eyes.

"See, Constantine? Danny knows him on a personal level! Besides, his name is Frostbite! Anyone who has that cool of a name can't be all bad." Jon popped into the argument to add his two cents.

"It is a rather well thought out name." Damian nodded along with Danny in agreement while Constantine took another drag from his cigarette.

"No offense kid but I do not know you well enough to be able to trust if you have a good skill in picking out someone's character." The magician replied with a bland look on his face at the small intimidation tactic Danny was trying. "That's not the only problem here. It would be one thing to pop over to a different dimension. Not the first time it's happened but the Infinite Realms is as it is called. Infinite! Trying to find this Frostbite guy would be like looking for a needle in a 5d haystack."

Damian opened his mouth to retort but then thought about it a bit more. "Actually, that is a very good point. Even if we get into the realms, how are we going to find him?"

Danny rolled his eyes. "I know where he lives? He lives in the Far Frozen. I've been there many times."

"So, what you are saying... I have to rely on the directions and guidance of a kid who hasn't been there in nine months while hoping that the spot we spawn into is recognizable enough for you to guide us where we need to go?" The laughing magician raised an unimpressed eyebrow at the three boys.

"Um... yes...?" Danny rubbed the back of his neck as he spoke.

Constantine just rolled his eyes at the display. "No."

"Okay, okay, everyone just back up a bit. The main reason why you don't want to take us is because you don't know the location, who it is we are seeing, and that, if we get lost, there is a good chance we won't be finding our way home. Correct?" Jon flew in between the two groups with his hands out in a placating manner.

"That pretty much sums it up. Yeah. Not to mention, if your parents ever find out about this, I will cease to exist and there will be no evidence to show that I had." The blonde crossed his arms standing firm in his decision.

Jon turned to Danny. "Then isn't there a way to like... summon him to us? You brought Constantine to us and you have your own summoning circle. If Frostbite is that powerful then surely he has his own kinds of summoning ritual we could do?"

"Yes, there is... but unlike Constantine... Frostbite is a bit... big? It's bad enough his smoking will probably give us away. A giant 8-foot-tall behemoth will definitely ensure it." The halfa's brows knitted together in concentration as he spoke. "But that doesn't mean that we could make a circle to just... send us there. That way we won't get lost wandering around."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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