*Egg-pril Fool's day*

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This was a prank on April Fool's day on AO3. It is not canon but its a fun read :3

Art Made by the lovely Susiron~


It didn't take them long to find the lab. The hallway was littered with knocked-out agents and broken equipment. For all of their fights, the two boys made a good team when it counted. With a couple of keystrokes, Red Robin had the door unlocked and they were busting in. Damian growled. "Danny, turn your senses off." he hissed in a harsh whisper but the cold that was seeping into his hip told the boy that it was a warning too late.

Before them were five scientists holding various medical implements over a person strapped to the table. The poor man was no longer conscious. Then again, that was probably a blessing. Robin didn't give them time to react. He had his sword out and was on the scientists before his brother could finish comprehending what he was seeing. "Robin, no killing!" was out of the older boy's lips as he joined the chaos. Attempting to take out the scientists before his little brother could get his hands on them. He was being more brutal with his hits and more violent overall. Not that he blamed him, but it was a slippery slope that Damian had fallen down before. He had been doing so well but Tim didn't want him falling down it again.

"Tt. I know! Why are you pointing out the obvious?" Damian growled as he broke the nose of one of the adults and with that, the last scientist was out for the count. He stood over his bloodied three with anger distorting his features. "They are hurt but they will live."

"That was excessive-"

"THAT IS EXCESSIVE!" Robin practically roared while pointing to the Gothamite strapped to the table. "This whole facility is excessive! If I hit them a little harder than normal, then it is what these vermin deserve." He knew he was being too much but Damian didn't care. The ghost boy was freaking out in his pocket and it was making it hard to separate his own emotions from the ghosts.

Red Robin's eyes narrowed at his little brother before sighing. "Okay... you clearly have some anger to work off. I get it. Why don't you start clearing the floors of hostiles so that extraction will be easier? I'll stay here and take care of this one." Robin was out of the lab before the older vigilante could finish talking.

Danny's emotions were running rampant. As if seeing the person strapped to the table had set him off. Which it probably did. He reached into the pocket to try and calm the ghost boy as he made his way to the stairs and descended to the lower levels. He didn't want to leave yet. There was some payback to be administered. When Danny's emotions seemed to have leveled out, he proceeded with the mission. If Danny had another freakout he would leave. Damian wasn't going to risk the ghost's mental state for some petty revenge. All of the dirty secrets were always in the basement. However, he underestimated just how many more of the agents were down there. As soon as he stepped into the basement floor, alarms blared and the door to the hallway behind him was blocked by a sheet of glowing green metal.

Several agents were on the boy in a heartbeat. He was swarmed but that was fine by him. It just meant that he could be more aggressive than he normally would be. The young vigilante had cleared out an office and was finally able to take a break when the glowing door was blasted open and Red Hood made his way onto the lower floor. "Demon brat! You should have waited for backup!" The hall looked like the beginning of a horror movie with all of the bodies lying on the floor.

Damian ignored him and pulled out the pendant with Danny. The ghost was getting worse. He could feel the core tremble in his hands as the cold spread out from his fingertips. "Danny... It's okay. I've had my fun, we can leave." The boy gently caressed the core but it didn't seem to be helping. But now that Danny was at this stage, he wasn't going to risk the ghost's mental state any further. The alarms were still blaring around them and it felt like the ghost was hyperventilating... without lungs. It was still weird how that worked.

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