Eggcademy Drama

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A snap broke the silence of the classroom making several of the students jump at the sudden sound. Damian ignored the looks of his classmates as he tossed the pencil he had unconsciously snapped in half into the waste bin. The tenth one in the span of a half hour. It didn't help that Damian was on edge and it was triggering everyone else's flight or flight responses. The boy couldn't help it. He felt like he was going to go off and the next person to cross the youngest Wayne was going to get it. Hopefully, Jon would stop him before there was a murder.


Last night had been an enlightening experience. Damian had stayed up all night trying to research more about the GIW after scouring through the photos on his phone for any kind of detail he could get. Which wasn't much other than the badge number. The vans had no discernable qualities and the license plates hadn't been visible. Damian had wanted to go to the Batcave to run facial recognition on the ones he had gotten a good visual of but the others had been down there the entire time.

Plus he couldn't explain how he got the photos if he never left the manor grounds.

So instead, Damian had taken to the internet to try and find out what those men were doing only to be blocked once again. The firewalls were similar to the ones that had prevented him from looking up Amity Park. Things were lining up way too cleanly for the two not to be involved with one another. The rest of the night he tried to get past the system but it kept changing and morphing as if he was being reverse hacked. So he backed off and tried to find general information about the GIW... and what he found was unnerving.

GIW or Ghost Investigation Ward was a federally funded government ghost-hunting agency. One that started in Amity and has since branched out across the nation. It was a big group but the people involved were ambitious. Stating that they were protecting the world from the dead trying to take over. From the few news articles that leaked through the cracks, they didn't have a good reputation. Property damage and no regard for civilian safety were just the start. There was no doubt that they were doing significantly shadier things behind closed doors.

Damian snapped another pencil in half and everyone flinched, except Jon. Those agents were probably looking for Danny and if the ghost teen hadn't run into him that night then they would have found his core among the trash. Who knows what those men would have done? The pencil halves snapped into fourths just as the bell rang for lunch. All of his classmates stood up as if the grim reaper was at their backs and booked it out of the room without another word.

Including the teacher.

"Now that we are alone... do you want to explain why you are giving off the intention that you are going to massacre the entire school?" Jon turned to give his friend his full attention.

"Tt." Damian tossed the pencil fragments into the growing pile in the waste bin. "There have been some... developments."

This piqued the half-Kryptonian's interest. "What happened? I can tell from here that he has gotten a lot stronger. Was there a side effect of some kind?"

Damian shook his head and wiped the little splinters of wood onto the floor without looking at the older boy. "Other than being a portable AC unit, no. Have you heard of a government agency called the GIW?"

"How do you know that name?" Surprise covered Jon's face and Damian pulled out his phone to show him the photos. "They are in Gotham? Does Batman know about this? Where was this taken?"

"...that was the alley where I found Danny," Damian growled to himself at the reminder. There was no need to explain to Jon what the green substance was that the men were taking samples of. Jon had been there when Cujo had taken them to the lab. It wasn't that much of a jump to figure out what it was. "You know of them?"

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