Hol-egg-day woes

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How did he manage that?

Damian kept his mouth shut as he typed away at the Batcomputer but gave a small "Tt." To signal for Danny to elaborate.

Alfred... he actually managed to keep Batman, THE Batman, off your back until after Christmas. Is he some sort of god?!

The youngest Wayne couldn't help but smirk as he scanned through the GIW database in the hopes of finding what he was looking for. It wasn't a guarantee but it was possible. Even Danny had admitted that there was a chance. "Pennyworth is the true patriarch of this family. Don't let Father fool you otherwise." The boy stated under his breath but the smirk remained. Alfred was one of the few people who accepted him for who he was from the beginning and who couldn't respect a butler who wielded a shotgun as if it was an everyday occurrence. The mystifying awe that was rolling off Danny in waves just made the smirk grow more. If anyone deserved that kind of respect it was Alfred.

So... I know you had a day to think about it but what's the plan? You didn't really elaborate.

Damian ignored Danny's question due to Bruce clearing his throat from behind the boy. There was no point in telling Danny anyway, he was going to hear it at the same time as the others. No point in explaining it twice. The boy kept filtering through the files until his eyes lit up at the one he was hoping existed. And it did. Subtly breathing out a sigh of relief, Damian swiveled around in the bat-themed chair like a supervillain to look at the majority of his family standing behind him. Cujo sitting happily on his lap. Cass, Bruce, Tim, Steph, and Dick stood before him with various looks of disappointment, annoyance, and neutrality. The only thing that had stopped Damian from getting jumped on Christmas Day was Alfred, who was standing off to the side awaiting Damian's explanation as well. They all had a right to feel the way they did for his impromptu disappearing act which was why Damian wasn't commenting on their looks. That wasn't stopping Danny though.


Carefully schooling his expression, Damian kept a level look at his family while ignoring the hesitant amusement that was now replacing the awe. There was a bit of humor in all of this but Damian was already not looking forward to what was about to happen in the next few moments. So Danny could rightfully shut up at any time. Preferably now.

Look at how angy Brucie is. I don't know why it's so funny to see his normally goofy playboy face suddenly so angy. I can't take it seriously. I just can't.

Damian felt his lips twitch but hopefully, the others just took it as him thinking and not something else. If this was a diversion tactic by Danny to lessen the seriousness of the situation then he could rightfully stop now. Damian was thanking fate or whatever that Duke was out on post-Christmas patrol and Jason simply didn't want to be anywhere near the manor during the holiday season. The only way to get him to show up at Christmas was Alfred's homemade holiday cookies. Which was understandable. It was safe to say that just about all of his siblings would probably commit murder for a chance at Alfred's delicious treats.

"So... are you ready to report what happened over the past two days?" Bruce asked with an aura that would normally have been intimidating if it wasn't for the fact that Danny had taken to chanting 'angy Batman' like a prayer in anxious amusement. It was taking all of Damian's training to ensure that he kept a fairly neutral expression.

Damian brought his hands together in front of him. Flicking the pendant purposefully, making the ghost laugh as he took a deep breath and addressed the others in the room. "I was sent to another dimension by a ghost." There was a pause among everyone until everything seemed to explode at once.

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