Ghostly Goth-egg-m

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"Is Hood drunk?" Robin asked as he watched Jason go to jump from one rooftop to the next, only to trip over his own two feet and fall into the alley below. Not a couple of minutes later, he grapples to the roof that he had tried to jump onto only to trip again and fall flat on his face on the gravelly roof. A pang of sympathy came from Danny from the display but the ghost's amusement far exceeded it.

Nah. He's just being haunted right now.

"Are you sure it is not his ineptitude?" This time Danny laughed heartily at the young vigilante's words.

No, no! He really is being haunted right now. Look at his shadow. You should be able to see her with your new mask upgrade.


Damian did as Danny told and was surprised to see a woman hanging out of Red Hood's shadow, gripping his ankles so that he tripped in the first place. It was a bit unnerving. There was a woman's figure completely wreathed in shadows making any discerning features from this distance indistinct. "...Who is that?" Damian asked as the woman noticed them watching and waved to them. There was something slightly horrific about seeing a woman's torso appearing out of his older brother's shadow. "and what is she doing?" He had never met her before. Had never seen her in his life... but there was something... the aura she gave off felt like he had known her for a long time. It was weird.

That's Lady Gotham.

"Lady Gotham?!" a scream nearby had Robin growling to himself as he ran toward it. Leaving Jason to deal with the ghost attached to him. If Danny wasn't worried about it then he wasn't in danger. Probably. "Who is Lady Gotham?"

Danny hummed to himself as Damian made quick work of the mugging in progress and the young vigilante was back on the rooftops again in a few moments. She's just that. Gotham. Not all ghosts are people or creatures that died and have come back. Some spirits are brought into existence by a large group of people believing that they are real. Like a curse. People believe that Gotham is cursed and she formed from the people's belief. She's the spirit of the city.

"So Gotham is cursed?" Robin looked in the direction of where Red Hood was seen last only to see him gone.

Originally? No. But technically now yes. Though, as I said, she is more of a spirit of the city than a curse. She protects the city and the people in it. After all, if Gotham ceased to exist then so would she.

This was interesting. "How long has she been around?" Robin asked starting back on his normal patrol route when the cops picked up the criminal.

It's rude to ask a lady her age. I thought you had more class than that.

Robin rolled his eyes at the ghost's sass. "You could have just said that you don't know. I was curious because... when I saw her, it felt like I'd known her for a very long time... how can that be when I have never seen her before?"

Why don't you ask her?

"I thought she was with Hood?"

Mm she might have gotten bored because she's right below us now.

Skidding to a stop, Robin looked down into the alley below and saw the figure of a woman hiding in the shadows. Normally, this would be raising red flags left and right. A lone woman hiding in shadows waiting for him would be something that his mother would do. A trap. A deadly one. But it didn't feel like this was the case. He felt like he would be safe if he hopped down there and with Danny being as calm as he was about the whole thing, it soothed his worries even more. Deciding to go for it, Robin made his way down into the alley.

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