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Damian walked around his room setting things up. Danny rested upon his little star blanket with Cujo curled up next to him. He couldn't see patterns, just shapes, and solid things. Details were lost. So to him, it was just a blanket. Facial features were also hard to place unless they were very pronounced. Everything was shades of the same green hue, it was better than seeing nothing at all. It was just weird that everything looked like he never took a set of night-vision goggles off.

The youngest Wayne was by his desk loading something on his laptop. He wasn't blocking the screen but it was still hard to discern what was on it. Whatever it was, Damian didn't seem to mind if he saw it... did he know that he couldn't see it? Well, whatever it was, it was frustrating the boy to no end as he fought against the technology. Danny watched for a few moments. There was no way that he could ask what Damian was doing without some part of the boy touching his core. Currently, he could only see when he expanded his senses... so maybe he could do the same with his voice? Or thoughts? Whatever this weird BS that was going on when there was direct contact? Did it only work because Damian had held him for so long? Would it work on others? Since there was no one else around, now was a good time to see if he could communicate from a distance. Constant direct contact would be a pain, might as well give it a try.

Um... what are you doing?

"Putting on background noise." Damian did not jump when he heard Danny's thoughts from across the room as though he was right next to him. He was just overly alert. Anyone who said otherwise would get stabbed. Damian quickly grabbed the laptop before it could slip further from his fingers and made his way back over to the bed. "It is late and I am currently banned from patrols. That doesn't mean one of the others isn't in the house. They find it fun to listen to others' private business."

And you don't do the same?

The ghost boy was snickering and Damian flicked the blanket next to Danny's core so it jostled him lightly. "I'll have you know that, when I do it, it is out of necessity. My siblings are prone to many inane antics and I would rather be ready than give them an opportunity."

Hmmmm... I think what you described there is stalking.

"Tt. Reconnaissance is the correct term." Damian flicked the blanket again before settling back onto the bed next to the core and Cujo with his laptop. He pressed a button and a news anchor started talking about a breaking story about one of Gotham's elites. The volume was loud and carried throughout the room. "I do not know if the others can hear you or not. Since you seem hesitant to want to speak with others, this is not something that I wish to test yet. So to avoid prying ears, as well as avoid anyone assuming that I am speaking to myself, some background noise is a must."

That makes sense. What are we listening to?

Even up close, Danny could only see the glow of the screen and some slight movement. Maybe he could see it if the technology was infused with ectoplasm. Damian smirked as he got to re-watch Mike's destruction all over again. "Just something relaxing since some of the stuff that we discuss may be hard to talk about." Right at that moment, the camera was focused on the blurred image of Mike who was crying and screaming at the camera. Apologizing over and over, that he was wrong and begging someone to fix it. He was blubbering so hard that when he said Damian's name it was botched and almost completely incomprehensible. Damian smiled, looking far too pleased with himself. Could Danny only hear this? This was going to be such a good show.

Looks like he would have to invest in some audio stimuli until the ghost boy was fully formed. Surely, there was a podcast he liked.

... You've done your research huh?

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