An Eggstravagant Halloween

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The laughter of children rang out into the night while adults watched on from the safety of their vehicles or at the ends of streets. A few would accompany the younger ones to the doors of strangers but that diminished with the older the children were. Gotham's streets were full to bursting from the festivities and all of the bat family were out in full swing. Where there was light, there was darkness, and hidden behind the joys of celebration were shady deals and horrible crimes. It was a night that was blessed as much as it was cursed.

Halloween just had that kind of charm.

Robin overlooked the revelry from above. His hand idly played with the weird gadget that Tim had forced upon everyone in the family. Even the ones who hadn't died and come back. It was some sort of off-brand signal jammer but instead of jamming electronics, it negated some sort of weird aura. His adopted brother had stayed up for four days straight to make heads or tails of the trackers until he realized that the only way to negate the tracking was to use the same thing that powered them.

Damian may have been the one to point out that the GIW stuff looked similar to Fenton tech when Tim was on day three of his coffee binge.

The older child had been so focused on figuring out how the devices worked that he didn't bother to look to see if there were blueprints in places other than the GIW database. Strangely enough, there wasn't anything on that database but the need to have these jammers done was great and Tim didn't have the time to think about why that was. Several of the guns had lost their power sources to these new things. The little devices worked enough to deter the other trackers they had in the GIW pile but if they upgraded or have something more powerful, there wasn't a guarantee it would work. As long as it kept the men in white off of their backs then everyone was happy. Because as much as everyone wanted to figure out what the deal with the GIW was, Gotham had a more pressing issue coming up.

October was a month that everyone in the Wayne family dreaded. All because of the last day of the month. Halloween was one of the worst nights for Gotham's vigilantes as it brought out the worst that the city had to offer. Everyone felt the need to celebrate the creepy holiday in their own way and the backlash to weeks of researching prior and days after to clean up. Oftentimes Scarecrow was the one leading the charge to strike fear into Gotham on the holiday. If the vigilantes had to dodge around some idiotic ghost-hunting agency on top of everything else, then someone was going to be seriously hurt. Whether it was one of the bats of a civilian was anyone's guess.

Now that everyone had a jammer, the GIW hadn't been seen but that also could have been because most of the agents in the area were in the hospital. Several had been admitted for concussions and the ones who had been detained at GCPD had been released due to lack of evidence. The only proof was the Joker showing up to attack the school but Joker had attacked people for stupider reasons. It wasn't a valid enough testimony to hold up in court. If there was video or audio evidence proving that the GIW had instigated the rogue that was another story. That was why Duke teamed up with Jason to try and find a lead. The second oldest had been actively pursued and Duke could see where the point of origin started. Things were not looking good for that agency.

At this rate, their downfall was only a matter of time.

Robin pulled the locket out from under his uniform to look over Danny. The iridescent sheen had grown more pronounced and the chill seemed to have leveled out... at least when he was carrying it. The ice seeped out in waves when he placed it down on any other surface. It was like Danny was protecting Damian from the cold his core gave off. Now was it because Danny was starting to become conscious or not?

Without standing up, Damian flicked the jammer high into the air. He grabbed the hand that was just about to touch his shoulder and threw that person over his head. As the jammer descended, he plucked it out of the air while watching the person he threw off the building get closer and closer to the ground.

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