A Long Br-Egg-fast

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"If you do not wish to speak with them yet, I can request to have breakfast served up in my room."

"Damian, that really isn't necessary-"

"I am simply reminding you that there are other options. You may have been 'awake' in a sense for a few months but you have only had a physical body for less than twenty-four hours. I would rather not have you unnecessarily stress yourself out and cause possible problems before we have had a chance to talk to Constantine." Damian replied with such authority that Danny couldn't help the small smile that made its way onto his face. The two boys stood off to the side of the entrance to the dining room. Danny's hand entwined with Damian's at the boy's insistence. Saying that it would sell their ruse as 'Father and Son' better. However, Danny was getting good at spotting when Damian was doing or saying things with bravado.

Just like the rest of the Bats, Damian was trained to spot microexpressions in others. Though that might also have been doubled with him being raised as an assassin. (He didn't know how true that story was but, with the massive amount of weapons that Damian was scarily adept at, he was willing to put some merit into it) No doubt, the youngest Wayne had noticed the nervous energy that Danny was giving off. Whether it was from their emotional connection or something showing on his face, the halfa wasn't sure but something had tipped the younger boy off. Now they stood hand in hand with the prideful boy looking as though this was something he did regularly. Even if it was silly, it did help calm his nerves.

"Thanks... but that will only make things worse and you know it." Danny resisted the urge to peek his head into the dining room. There was a cacophony of noise coming from within and he was curious as to just what was going on.

"You are correct. With their annoying nosy behavior, they would be hounding you incessantly until you cracked or I did."

Danny snickered. "More than likely you?"

"More than likely me, yes." Damian rolled his eyes but their hands remained together. "Now do you remember what I told you earlier?"

"Everyone is highly trained but Cass is the one trained in body language reading and Duke can, at times, see the future due to his meta abilities. Bruce will be keeping a close eye on me the entire time and the others will be as well but are easily distracted if need be. Just play up the cute kid act and things should be fine." Danny retold a summarized version of the speech Damian gave on his family. "If there is a question I don't like or don't know the answer to, then I'm to hide in you or play the dumb kid act. If they get particularly insistent, turn on the waterworks and activate operation Nightwing."

Damian nodded his head, satisfied. "Good. Whenever you are ready, we'll head in."

Danny tugged on the space-themed shirt that he had picked out from the box of children's clothes in Damian's room. He had been awake during that whole thing but it still surprised him on just how thorough Bruce had been for a joke on his son. If he didn't know better, Danny would have thought that the man had somehow predicted that Danny would form wrong. Eh, he was Batman. He probably would have. Taking a deep breath to relax his nerves, Danny stepped into the dining room with Damian only to be greeted with chaos.

The entire room just oozed old wealth but it was the people in it that brought it to life. Bruce sat at the head of the table with his head in his hand. Looking, for all intents and purposes, done with everyone else in the room. Which wasn't surprising. Alfred stood just behind Bruce's chair with an impassive look on his face. No doubt judging them all very thoroughly without saying anything. Jason was out of his chair brandishing his banana like it was a gun at Dick who was covering Tim's ears as if he was a small child who had heard someone swear. Cass sat between Jason and Stephanie with a hand covering her mouth as she quietly giggled. Stephanie had no such qualms. She had thrown herself head first into the chaos and was using Duke as a hostage, the poor boy like a doll in her arms. Having already accepted his fate. Barbara was sitting next to him sipping her coffee like nothing was wrong.

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