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"Jessa," Shandira says not sure if her suggestions would be welcome.

Jessa turns her attention to the other deity that she is now champion to. She's still not sure how she feels about that. "Yes, Shandira? You have something to add? You have already stated that you have sufficient antidote for the captive dragons."

Jessa is exhausted and they still have hours to go before she'll be able to stop for the night. With the report from Mel she isn't sure that she even dares to stop.

"There is a natural ambush site here." Shandira points to the map and continues to explain her idea. "I can have my top assassins, that survive, give the antidote to the dragons tonight. I can have my assassins along with any others you feel necessary to set up traps that could effectively take out a third of their forces if done correctly. The dragons are likely to be in the flank from what the reports have stated. If the dragons are released from the potion tethering them to the enemy they'll lose a third of their army right there. If we wait for the first third to make it through the pass then let loose the traps it could destroy the middle part of their army as well. That will leave just the first third for us to face."

Jessa stares at the assassin goddess for a long moment as she runs through the possible merits of the idea. "It sounds good, how good are your assassins?" Jessa says standing up and rubbing her back that was sore from intently studying the map currently on the table.

Before the goddess could reply, "King, there is a large group approaching the borders from the caravan route." One of the guards says entering the war room without knocking and finding a knife a hairs width from his startled head. He stares at Jessa wild eyed.

Jessa goes over to the wall and reclaims her knife ignoring the elf that interrupted the war planning session. "Don't ever come into a room with a shut door with out knocking again or you might not survive." Jessa hisses at him angrily. She had barely been able to change her throw enough to miss the guard.

The guard swallows hard before replying, "Yes, Princess Silverblade. Forgive me."

The others in the room hide their smiles but are pleased that already the people are showing more respect than they had before.

"Now, come over here properly and give a decent report to your king." Jessa is more than a little waspish. Dhiren observing her whispers to his cousin who nods and motions for a servant to come closer and gives the servant orders low enough that the others don't hear what he is saying.

The newly crowned king looks up after giving his orders and finds Jessa's slightly hostile gaze on him. "I just requested food be brought into the room so that we might take a break. I have no idea about you, but I think better when I'm not plagued by a grumbling belly."

With those words Jessa turns her angry gaze away from the nervous young king and back to the terrified guard that so rudely interrupted them. "Well are you wanting an engraved invitation to report?"

Dhiren decides that it might be in every one's best interest that he go and hold his love to calm her down.

Alaric and the ancient one are watching her warily. Jessa is far too on edge.

The guard nervously clears his throat before once more facing his new king and makes his report and does a much better job this time. "It appears to be an army of humans marching towards Lexin. The guards aren't sure what they should do."

With this Jessa straightens up and smiles, "Well, it seems that there are some that want to help us play a bit with the invaders. I wonder which kingdom they are from?" Jessa says already turning to go to the door.

Dhiren holds her back. "Love, I know how excited you are about fighting again, but please stay and eat before we step on my cousin's toes. Remember this is his country and we are but guests here. I'm sure that he would that we never came but he is still our host." Dhiren's words are loud enough that everyone at the table can hear him but not the guard or servants that are still in the room.

Jessa sighs deeply and relaxes, "I apologize, King Dennis. I am just used to taking charge of things."

Dennis isn't sure what to make of Jessa's apology. He waves it away. He hadn't minded in the least Jessa taking charge of the fight. When he had heard of the numbers that were coming to Lexin he was beyond overwhelmed. He had never thought that they would actually have to fight. Their reputation had served them well for more than two centuries to keep out unwanted people. "You are a far better tactician than I am. I would be pleased to have your help."

Mean while Shandira is impatient. "Jessa, if you will give the go ahead I'll move my people into position before much longer."

Jessa motions to the assassin goddess and they move away from the table and talk quietly. Jessa wants to learn all she can about what traps they are planning to lay. She just isn't sure if she can trust this goddess, she after all turned from the one that paid to have her kill Jessa. What would keep her from turning on Jessa or telling the enemy what their plans are now or in the future?

"Jessa," Jethro says to gain her attention before walking over to her. He has seen how on edge she is and has no desire to have a knife planted in him somewhere. Especially since it would likely be a deadly location.

Jessa never completely takes her attention from the goddess supposedly helping them. "Yes, Jethro?" Jessa is itching to get moving and is seriously liking the idea the goddess proposed earlier. It might be the only chance they have and with what she described it would be perfect. She just wishes that she could trust the goddess.

"Shandira is honorable. She has in all her transactions a clause that states if she finds the circumstances have changed and it's no longer feasible to continue with the contract that she can terminate it. All those that go to her are aware of that clause it is made very clear to them before they sign anything or the assassins take on the job."

Jessa gives the goddess her full attention, "Is that true Shandira?"

"Yes, but I wouldn't dare cross you. You've bested my champion and have done what no other has ever been able to, take down a full chapter house. I no longer have people there, nor will I have my people return to that city in honor of you."

Jessa merely lifts an eyebrow at the goddess's words. "Hmm." There is just something about the goddess that she can't trust.

Jessa smiles a rather predatory smile. "I will accept your ideas, they are exceptionally good ones and should be used. I'll be going with the group that will be liberating the dragons and talking to them directly. Either Dhiren or Kallen will be going with your assassins to help set the traps, preferably Kallen. I think Dhiren would prefer to go with me. But you, goddess, to make sure that your people don't back stab me or mine," Jessa takes out a knife, the same one that she had thrown at the hapless guard.

Jessa looks a challenge to the goddess, "I would have you blood bound to me and through you all yours. That way any harm that comes to me would affect you. Should I die, you might survive. Maybe. But I'd be drawing a great deal of strength from you until I do die."

Jethro hides his smirk from the other two. He had never thought Jessa would be so bold as to make a blood bond with a goddess.

Shandira doesn't even hesitate but offers her hand. She has no desire to have this terrifying person go against her or doubt her any further.

Jessa hides how she feels from the other two and once the arrangements are made returns with Jethro to the table which now bears a great deal of food.

Dhiren looks at her in question but Jessa tells him silently that she'll tell him after she eats.

Dhiren smiles as he hands her a plate full of her favorite foods and a few that he thinks she might like as well.

Jessa: The Adventures EndWhere stories live. Discover now