Epilogue 26

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Lady Fay went all out on the coronation of the new gods. She is thrilled to finally be able to step down as the queen that she is happier than any of them, even the other gods, have ever seen her.

Jasper, who had survived the war and continues to serve Jessa on her elite guard watches his goddess warily.

The night before the coronation Jasper is standing in the dark of the garden watching the moon, what there is of it. He faintly hears the sound of music but like always it's never clear to him.

"What troubles you, My Champion?" Fey comes to him.

"After tomorrow you will no longer be my goddess will you?" Jasper spits out the words of what has been bothering him.

"No, none of us will remain as the gods others worship. Jessa will take over the roles of all the gods and slowly we will be forgotten as nothing more than footnotes in history." Jasper doesn't detect any sadness at the thought.

"Even chance will be taken over by Jessa?"

Fay laughs at his question. "But of course. We are only at this point in time due to chance. Jessa embodies the whole ideal of what chance is. 

"You remember the fight the changed your life? The one that almost killed you and Jessa both?"

"How could I ever forget that fight?" Jasper says sullenly.

"Jessa survived by chance. She should have died more than half a dozen times before she went up against the blue dragon king. The poison that was on his blade should have killed her. The wound itself should have killed her. It was by chance that she was found before she died. It was chance that the healer was skilled enough to remove enough of the poison before it could kill her, it was chance that Alaric knew how to save her."

"Tell me Lady Fey, was it also chance that Nathan died that day?"

"No, My Champion. His death was written. However, it was a chance that he was able to save Jessa even at the cost of his own life. He knew that he was going to die that day and he was willing to chance his being there would be enough to save her.

"My brother?" Jasper says softly.

"I am sorry. I knew that losing him would be incredibly painful to you but I could not save him. You had your own destiny to play and you have not finished it yet."

"I don't know who I'll be after tomorrow." Jasper whispers softly into the night.

Lady Fey smiles at him softly. "Why, you will be who you always have been. You admire and love Jessa already having her become your goddess isn't all that hard to take is it?"

"Jasper, Lady Fey, I don't mean to interrupt but I think there is something he needs to hear." Jessa and Dhiren say coming near to them.

"Of course, Jessa." Lady Fey says and steps back to allow both Jessa and Dhiren room to come forward.

"There will be no real change for you Jasper. In fact, I would like for you to become my champion once I am crowned."

Jasper stares at her in shock. "Me? But what about Kristoff and the other elites?"

Jessa smiles at him, "Kristoff has changed colors and is now a platinum dragon. He will be serving me as a cleric. Sorsha, has requested to become a dragon and so will be given other duties as well. My guard, well they will be needed to guard us when we are here, but we will be forced to ascend fully after the coronation so they will become Jasmines guards along with those she already has."

"When will she be coronated?" Jasper asks softly.

"It will be a double coronation. We will be coronated by Fey and then we will coronate Jasmine. I would like you to train your children harder so that they will be able to take your place once I need you elsewhere."

Jasper shakes his head. "Where else could you possibly need me?"

Jessa smiles at him blindingly and he knows that he is in real trouble now.

"Why, you will become one of my clerics in time. You and your wife if she is interested."

"You know that Ivy loves the dragons and that she would jump at the chance to become one." Jasper says softly.

"And you, Jasper, would you not welcome being one of mine?" Jessa asks just as softly.

"I know I was told years ago that I would likely make the transformation, but honestly, I haven't really thought about it much. It is an honor to serve you as I am. I have never looked higher than that."

"I know. Neither did I. Remember, I was an orphan taken in and raised by elves and then turned loose into the human world as a lowly guard. We all have with in ourselves to become more than we ever thought we could be. Would you not accept being more?"

Jasper smiles at the woman that saved his life and gave him another much better one years earlier. "I would be honored if you feel I am worthy."

Jessa smiles happily. "I knew years ago that you had the potential to be someone great."

Dhiren sniffs and Jessa turns to him giving him a dirty look. "What was that, Dhiren?"

"Love, you bring out the best in us all. We are all better for being near you."

"That's because I only stay near those that have potential to become more."

"What do you do to those that don't?" Jasper asks suspiciously.

"I kill them." Jessa states then hauls Dhiren laughing away from the dark shadows of the garden and starts dancing with him.

"They dance so perfectly together." Jasper says softly as they watch Jessa and Dhiren dance.

Fey smiles sadly, "They were made for each other. It was such a close thing though. Dhiren was so mule headed that I wasn't sure which decision he would make."

"I thought he was destined to be with her?" Jasper says confused.

"He was destined to either save her and be with her or kill her and destroy the world by doing so."

"And now?" Jasper asks his goddess.

"Now they are destined to being the gods of this world."

And so ends the Chronicles of Jessa and Dhiren. I hope you have enjoyed the journey. They and I wish everyone a happy and joyous New Year.

I have to say that it has been a long journey for those of us that started together. i want to thank all those that stuck with us when I took so long in between updates. I started Jessa many years ago in a handwritten form, but never got past the part where she turns to a dragon so this story has been just as much discovery for me as it has been for you. In fact, until I actually wrote the ending I wasn't sure just what was going to happen to Jessa. For a short time I even thought of allowing her to destroy her world but she didn't like that idea. 

Who knows, in time I might write about her children and she and Dhiren might make an appearance then. However, if I do that it won't be for a very long time so don't hold your breaths.

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