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Dhiren doesn't leave Jessa's side all that night. Kristoff too, remains at his prince's side and makes sure that he has food. Dhiren isn't all that thrilled at the thought of eating but Kristoff reminds him that Jessa will expect him to take care of his health and that she'll be angry if he doesn't. 

Dhiren has no desire to make Jessa angry at this time, perhaps in the future but not now. Right now he just wants his love to wake up and be the same incredible person that she's always been. The thought of her personality changing makes him unalterably sad.

"Have hope, Prince. Jessa is stronger than any one I've ever seen." Lady Fey comes to him as the night starts to change to day.

"If she lives but her personality changes, what will happen Lady Fey?" Dhiren asks raising his tear stained face to the Lady of Chance.

"There are still many roads to destruction ahead and but one to salvation. Her fate is not yet decided. The road that she will take once she wakes is one none of us know. We can but hope that she takes the one that will save us after all."

Dhiren chuckles darkly, "After all the effort and work she put into saving us all, all the work she put into forging the alliances she did and getting the humans ready to fight and it might just come down to her destroying us herself after all.

"Do you not find that ironic, My Lady?" Dhiren demands of the goddess.

"You do not give your wife nearly the credit she deserves, Dhiren Silverblade. Jessa isn't just incredibly strong physically, but I've never seen anyone rival her strength of soul, generosity and goodness. 

"There is a good possibility that in time your wife will indeed become a goddess."

Now Dhiren laughs. He can just imagine the look Jessa will have should that come to pass. The thought of ruling gives her no joy. The idea of becoming a goddess would and has horrified her before.

"Dhiren?" Jessa moans a bit starting to wake up.

Dhiren turns his attention from the capricious goddess to his love. Lady Fey in her turn calls the other deities over. How Jessa is matters to all of them at this time. 

It certainly doesn't take them long to come over. They've all waited anxiously for Jessa to wake. The Ancient One and Alaric were both unsure if she would.  They stand just back far enough that Jessa will see Dhiren first.

Dhiren pulls the water canteen closer to her and helps her take a drink without being asked. "How are you feeling, love?" Dhiren asks her gently.

"I have no strength. I'm not sure that I can even take the damn canteen. What the hell is wrong with me?" Jessa demands more than half angry and not a little afraid. She's never been so helpless and aware of it. The only time that comes close is when she nearly died four years ago.

"You exhausted yourself when you fought that bitch. You had been pulling on the strength of those that have a blood bond with you just to finish the fight. That takes a toll on the body.

"That and you got some of that bitch's blood in you." Dhiren tells her and is ready to move away if she explodes.

Jessa's eyes widened, "I'm a full blooded dragon now, how will that affect me?"

Dhiren turns from her and looks to Alaric and the ancient one for answers. They move forward so that Jessa will more fully be able to see them.

"We aren't sure just yet how that will affect you. Likely it won't now that you've awakened." Alaric tells her hesitantly.

"What aren't you telling me?" Jessa demands looking at her grandfather and her god hard.

"There is a chance that her blood could poison your soul and change you and your personality." The ancient one finally tells her.

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