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The next day actually finds them outside of Kyron. To the army it was a miracle to the defenders it was salvation.

To the elves it just meant that now it was time to run. Jessa gives instructions to Josnick about the caravan and made sure that the human army stays with it. Once that was complete Jessa moves to take her place at Dhiren's and Kallen's side.

"If we run full out we will be back in Silva by nightfall." Kallen tells everyone, the dragon guards are less than pleased by this.

Jessa smiles at them and they are now scared. They have seen when she smiles at someone and it usually doesn't have a happy turnout for that person. Great entertainment for others, but not for the one she smiles at. "I have a different plan for you. Your strengths are not in running," although they have had plenty of that on the way there. "You will be taking your natural form and going to the sky. You will keep the chromatic dragons from attacking us from above."

The dragons are all but prostrating to her with that announcement. Flying they can do, running, they aren't so good at. They will be able to spot the dragons and attack them before they can become a problem for their princess.

It doesn't take them long to change and the sounds of awe from the defenders of Kyron and even their own army is heard. As the dragons take off there are even more sounds of awe. "Huh, that is a rather impressive sight. I bet when they took off outside of Lexin it was even more impressive with all the dragons there." Jessa says rather absently as she finishes doing up the boots given to her by Dhiren years ago.

Standing up she announces that it's time to go. Moonglow and Wind neigh out their unhappiness at being left with the caravan, but Jessa and Dhiren talked to them about helping to guard the caravan from the bad dragons and they sullenly accepted. Jessa and Dhiren promised to come and get them as soon as the dragons were dealt with.

Josnick just stares in shock as the horses acted so human in their responses to Jessa and Dhiren's words.

"You should close your mouth, Josnick, there are some flies flying around, you wouldn't want to swallow any by chance." Jessa tells him as she shoulders her pack that she's taking with her. When Kristoff comes up to her and tries to take it she just stares at him until he backs away with his hands up in surrender.

"I don't know how you do it, Jessa, but you sure do have a way, not with words since you didn't even say anything, but looks? Anyway, I'll see you in Castlerock after this whole mess is over."

"That will be fine, remember to save the items I told you about for selling to the elves. They will love those items and will pay the top price for them."

"I will," and with that Jessa nods and is off. It doesn't take long for the other elves to follow and before most of them can blink they were gone.

"I guess the gods are still helping them move faster." Josnick says out loud at the murmuring of the Kyron guards.

"Yeah, I know that elves can move and that Jessa can practically disappear in front of you, but all of them between one step and another?" The guards shake their heads then look to the skies warily for the chromatic dragons. They felt much safer with Jessa at their side or at their call. Now they will have to take the travel to Castlerock with out her.

"I still have my little friend. She will notify the other dragons and Jessa if there are any signs of the chromatics. Jessa wouldn't leave us on our own like that." Josnick reassures the human guards.

They all sigh in relief. They are decent fighters but against full dragons not even the elves did well.

Jessa smiles in delight at the sight of Silva's border. Dhiren looks around to see what damage has been done to his beloved home.

Jessa manages to put up a shield around her and the others just before the arrows come flying out of the forest.

"That is not the proper way to greet your crown prince." Jessa says with mock anger. In truth she had expected something similar and that was why she had the shield spell ready. She is actually rather pleased by the reaction time of the soldiers.

"Princess Jessa? Prince Dhiren? General Brightblade sir!" The elf steps out of the forest and looks over the group incredulously before sighting his general. Jessa finds it hilarious that he wipes the shock off his face and stands up straight and salutes her father before properly greeting his prince. She doesn't care about being greeted as his princess.

"Yes," Kallen says laconically returning the salute. "Please give us a brief update on how things are as we move towards the palace."

With that the soldier looks sideways at the prince and blanches. "Your highness, forgive me."

"I understand, but please do proceed with the status update. I would like to know what all has been going on with the chromatic dragons before we counsel with my parents."

With that the soldier does his best to give a concise and condensed version. Jessa and Kallen would occasionally ask questions to clarify his report but it is Kallen that finally tells the soldier thanks and dismisses him back to his post.

There is a shocked flurry of movement at the castle as the crown prince and princess return. It doesn't take long for the king and queen to move to the front of the assembled. Jessa and Kallen ignore the monarchs and keep looking for the one they love.

Finally Kallen spots her not too far behind the king and queen. He absently gives his respects as he moves to his wife and holds her tight. At least as tight as her pregnant belly will allow. Jessa allows him this reunion time and bends down to give her siblings loves. Shortly she exchanges places with her father.

"You don't appear to have changed at all," Sorid tells her beloved daughter, "and yet, there is something about you that has changed, an aura or something." Sorid tells her while smiling then pulls her in close once more and just holds her to her. "Thank you. Zira told us and showed us the fight. You saved Kallen more than once and he didn't even realize it."

"I couldn't let them take him from us." Jessa says with tears in her own eyes. She doesn't remember much of individual fights during that battle, but she remembers the gut wrenching fear that she wouldn't make it to save Kallen either time. That last time was far too close and she'd had to use her knife to distract the dragon kin enough to get there in time.

"Thank you." Sorid says once more.

Now Jessa turns to face her in-laws and is shocked that the very reserved monarchs pull her into a hug. She looks wildly about for Dhiren. She isn't all that pleased seeing him with a smirk on his face at her distress.

Dhiren knows very well that Jessa doesn't let many people close to her and his parents are not on the list of people that are allowed.

At her increasingly angry looks Dhiren loses his smirk and moves closer, "Mother, father you will smother her if you keep that up. Besides, Jessa isn't a huge fan of hugs. There are five people that she allows to hug her and I'm afraid you two aren't any of the five."

With that the monarchs let her go rather quickly. They too had seen what she did during the fight and have no wish to have their daughter-in-law upset with them.

Jessa takes a half step back from them. Once she does she looks at them with curiosity plain on her face. "You have never been so demonstrative towards me before, in fact I wasn't even sure that you liked me." She is still not sure since she knows they plan on dumping the ruling of Silva on her shortly. Any one that wants to tie her down with responsibilities she's not sure actually likes her, including Alaric.

"That is our fault entirely." The king says sadly. "We didn't really get to know you well, but after watching you fight, not just for the sun elves, but for everyone and saving Dhiren's life and almost losing yours we realized that we owe you far more than we can ever repay you."

"Then don't make me queen." Jessa says before turning to watch as Dennis finds his mother and introduces her to Sorsha. Sorsha in turn introduces Dennis to her children. His mother had already met and loves the little ones. She couldn't be happier to find out that they will be in her life in the future.

The rulers allow the reunited families time to meet and greet before adjourning into the palace. He sends the travelers off to clean up and eat before they meet to discuss the attacks by the chromatic dragons. 

Jessa: The Adventures EndWhere stories live. Discover now