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Jessa and Dhiren, Kallen and the other dragon leaders are all there when Dennis comes stumbling into the war room the next morning. "Whose idea was it to start so damn early?" Dennis asks yawning and stretching as he walks forward.

Jessa doesn't even look up from the map. A map that magically changes as the enemy moves forward. "That would be the enemy this time. Although, I would still likely be up by now any way." Jessa says intently watching as the enemy slowly starts wending its way through the canyon they had trapped the night before. 

The little dragons had already reported that their chromatic cousins are already in the sky and looking for any sightings of the metallic dragons or signs of Jessa coming.

Jessa smirked at the report and sent them back to keeping track of the fight .

Once the first third of the invaders make it out of the trapped area Jessa gives the signal and the traps are sprung. Jessa mutters a word and that area of the map enlarges and expands so that they can see just how much damage was done to the invaders.

There are awed mutters as it appears that more damage was done than they had anticipated. Jessa looks at Kallen hard until he explains.

Shrugging he motions to the map and to the boulder Jessa stopped the assassin from touching the night before. "I made some changes to the traps they had made and switched them over to us. I sent that huge ass boulder down on top of them. I figure that if it doesn't break as it bounces down it will effectively block the pass nearly completely. It won't stop them, but it will slow them down. Of course if it does close the pass off completely then it will stop all but the flying full blooded dragons from entering."

Jessa smiles rather nastily at his words. "You won't have to worry about them."

Before their eyes the last third of the army takes to the skies and start attacking those that had before been their allies. 

"Time for our dragons to join the fray. Ladies, gentlemen and all others, I believe we all know what we are supposed to be doing so let's get to it." Jessa says more than ready to fight. She holds Alaric back before he can leave with the other kings and queens.

"Call him, I need to know something and right now I'm pretty angry with him." Alaric noticing just how close Jessa is to losing her temper immediately calls for the ancient one.

It doesn't take him little time to come. It takes him even less to keep from speaking when he sees just how angry Jessa is.

"Thank you, Alaric, go ahead and go. The golds will listen to your instructions better than they will mine at this time." Alaric was going to object to her words but like his god decided that being silent was the better part of valor at this time and leaves the room giving Dhiren a sympathetic look as he does so.

"You knew just who the hell is the enemy. You can't tell me that you didn't know. You know all of your children." Jessa verbally attacks her god.

Of all the possibilities this was one he never saw coming. He truly is confused. "Jessa, I swear, I have been trying to find the true enemy identity from the beginning. I still have no idea who it is."

"You, being the progenitor of all the gold dragons has no idea that it's a gold dragon that is twisting the gold dragons, that has been poisoning the elves here in Lexin, that has taught the dumbass chromatics how to shape change, that has planned this war nearly since that last one?" Jessa is in full rant mode at this time. 

The ancient one patiently waits for her to wind down before trying to speak to her once more.

"Honestly, Jessa. I have no idea who you are talking about, but let me clarify something. My parents were the creators of the gold dragons. All those born in the same clutch as myself are my siblings and each have their own color given to them to rule."

"Aren't you forgetting one, Ancient one?" Jessa sneers at him. "Like a female born at the same time as you, ancient beyond belief and powerful?"

"I had a twin sister born from the same clutch also a possible god for the golds. But when I was chosen she was less than happy. She fought in the great war and was lost to us."

Jessa snorts in derision and shows him an illusion of the leader of the camp that one of the golds had shown her.

"That's not possible she died in the war, Jessa, I swear I believed her dead and I never believed her able to commit such evil as it is evident she is doing."

"How can you not possibly know of another dragon being turned from her true..." Jessa starts talking but when the ancient one holds his hand up she shuts up.

"My sister and I were not friends, Jessa. At best we were friendly competitors. There was always something off about her and I feared that our parents wouldn't see it, but they did. They decided that I should be the one to become the gold deity. My sister seemed to take things alright, but she distanced herself from that point on. I guess I should have kept closer eye on her but in truth I was too busy dealing with becoming the deity to a new species and getting things going.

"It was several millenia before the great war happened. She answered the call to fight, she was always very talented in that area, much like you are, Jessa. But it seemed that an enemy was able to take her down after a rather nasty fight. At least that was the reports I received from those that were close to the fight. I was dealing with the fight elsewhere and answering prayers from my clerics, yes we had clerics then.

"There was no body, but then there were many that went without having the final rites given to them in that war. By then I was doing my best to keep Alaric alive after his battle with the Blue king he was injured by another of the kings, rather badly. Kinda like you were nearly four years ago. There just wasn't time to search for her at that time and she was remembered as were all the dead.

"I had no idea that she lived and stole away to start a new army to come against all of us. She must be the one that stole the dragon eggs one here and one there over a long period of time. There was no trace and no way to know it was her and no way to find out who it was. She was always rather good about that.

"In truth, if there is one single person that would be near a match to her in abilities it would be you. She has had years to learn and grow and fight that you haven't had and so she has the advantage there. If there is any way to avoid you two going against each other I would strongly urge you to take it. Jessa, she knows who and what you are and will be coming for you. There is no doubt in my mind about that. The fact that you are my descendant just makes it far more likely that she'll seek you out."

"Then I would hate to disappoint her Ancient One." Jessa says before turning from her god and leaving the room slowing down only long enough to grab her weapons.

"You should know by now that if it will save lives that Jessa will take that route." Dhiren says before he too leaves the room grabbing his weapons on the way out as well. He jogs to catch up to Jessa.

No one is there to see the tears that run down the Ancient Ones face.

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