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It doesn't take long for Jessa to get into position and she waits impatiently for the others to do likewise. Once the signal of being ready is given Jessa lets loose with one volley of arrows after another. Her guards, Dhiren and his guards aren't much slower.

Once the arrows stop Jessa looks and finds  several that are still moving and not hurt looking, or at least not very hurt. She smiles happily, they must be full blooded dragons to be able to withstand all the arrows, some even still sticking in  them.

Dhiren and the guards are at her side as she runs forward to attack. The surviving dragons are still disoriented by the unexpected attack and are even further unnerved seeing Jessa leading the attack.

There is only one dragon that rallies enough to engage Jessa in a full on fight, but even she is frightened. If Jessa is here then she has defeated their queen and goddess.  Nobody is good enough to defeat the great black and gold dragon.

She manages to fight Jessa for nearly twenty minutes before she finally messes up and leaves an opening for Jessa. Jessa takes the opportunity and ends the dragon.

Cleaning her sword off she stands up and smiles happily. "Well, that was a nice little fight, wasn't it?" Jessa says and then checks on those that came with her starting with Dhiren.

She stops in her tracks as she notices that there are a couple of missing people. She looks around at the dead and loses all color. She changes direction and heads to one of the fallen.
"NO! I won't lose you too." Jessa sends out a healing plea to Jethro even as she does all that she can to tend to the wounds of the dying elf.

"Jessa, it's okay, I served you well. I am at peace." The elf tells her with pain burning through him.

"Jessa, he is touched by dragon blood. I cannot heal him. I can either ease his pain or take him now. Although, I think Zira would be unhappy if I took her child." Jethro tells her gently.

"No, I won't have it." Jessa does her own calling to the two that she needs to speak to.

"Help him, Lady Zira. I beseech you. As the crown princess of your people, I ask that you ease his pain. I would also ask that you allow the Ancient one to turn him to a gold." Jessa begs of the goddess of her youth.

"Jessa, it will be up to the Ancient one whether or not he wants another of my children to become one of his." Zira says softly not wanting to anger the powerful female before her.

"If you will permit it, I will accept him, but it will come at a price. He will be required to serve Jessa and Dhiren for as long as they remain the leaders of both our people. He will not be able to leave the service of being a guard."

Jessa looks at the shocked elf in her arms, "Is that acceptable to you Kristoff? Would you be willing to live and serve Dhiren and I until we no longer rule the elves or gold dragons?"

Kristoff looks at Jessa in shock, he knew that Jessa had forgiven him, but never thought that she would offer him such honor. "Jessa, it would be an honor to serve you and Prince Dhiren for as long as it will be allowed."

"Does becoming a dragon not bother you?" The gold deity demands of the dying elf.

Kristoff smiles until a sharp pain takes the smile off. "I had long thought the dragons dead. To find that our princess is a dragon is a sign of hope. To be allowed to become one is something I couldn't even imagine, but the thought of flying in the air so free, that has been a wish of mine. If I have proven myself worthy to all those that judge such I would be honored to become a dragon." Kristoff is unable to say anything further as the pain makes him scream out.

"He doesn't have long now. Do you give consent Zira?" The Ancient gold demands bruskly.

"I do," Zira states doing her best to hide her shock.

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