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Jessa isn't quiet, at least no quieter than any of the other humans. In fact she is even more rowdy than most of them. "What the fuck?" Dhiren says under his breath.

Jessa gives him what he thinks is a drunken smile. He hasn't been around many humans and elves don't get drunk, at least not that he's ever seen. But he's sure that Jessa has many times and is just acting like some of the people she knows.

"You need to lighten up Liam, have another drink on me." Jessa slurs a bit and proffers a flask to Dhiren.

Dhiren reacts just as he should. "You are going to get us both in trouble drinking this much this close to a battle Cleon." Dhiren says taking the flask away from Jessa and placing it in his belt pouch before furtively looking over his shoulder to see if any of the ones in charge saw what he took.

Jessa cautions him that people are coming over and to play along with things some more. She is thrilled that he caught on so fast to what she was doing. She knows that Dhiren is trusting her a great deal with out knowing before hand what she was planning on doing.

"You two, what are you doing here? This is for the officers and those taking care of the animals." The human seeming person growls out as he goes over to them.

"We are the ones assigned to feed and water the animals tonight great one," Jessa slurs. Her team had already taken out the two that were originally on their way to the chore.

"I don't recognize either of you."

"I'm Cleon and that's Liam," Jessa happily tells the man drunkenly while breathing heavily in his face.

Dhiren has no doubt that Jessa had at least swished some alcohol in her mouth earlier. He knows for a fact that she hadn't even had a glass of wine with the food Dennis had supplied. He made sure. With her temper like it is that last thing she needs is alcohol added to it.

The man starts coughing and backs up as he fans his face and does his best to get some fresh air. Although, fresh is relative here. Far too many animals and not enough in cleaning. Reminds Dhiren rather forcefully of the bazaars Jessa is so fond of. She never did mind the smell of animals mixed in with the stench of unwashed humans. Although, Dhiren takes another small sniff and detects an odor he hadn't before. Jessa gives him a small nod. He is dragon kin, perhaps a full blooded albeit young dragon if he's full.

"You will be wishing you never touched that bottle of alcohol when the morning march sounds." The man growls angrily then pushes them both towards the area where the dragon smell is the strongest. "Get your work done. You'll want to work fast, march starts early tomorrow. Heard that, that Jessa Brightblade is coming and the leaders want us to destroy Lexin before she reaches it."

Jessa blanches believably, Dhiren thinks, at hearing her own name. He's not very happy that the enemy is more than a little aware of who his wife is and that she's on her way to Lexin.

"J-Jessa is almost to Lexin?" Jessa seems to sober greatly at hearing those words and needs no more urging to move off to the roped off area. Dhiren is no slower to follow.

Jessa does her best to talk softly to the dragons that she finds. As she talks to them she becomes angrier and angrier at what they tell her. All of them are metallic dragons. Some of them have lived their entire lives enslaved by the mystery leader. She hears tales of woe from the older ones that reach nearly to the great war that killed most of the dragons.

Then she finds out just who the real leader of the enemy is and it takes all Jessa has to not lose it completely. 

She gives each dragon the option of freedom, but that they will have to pretend to be chained through the potion until they are at a place where they can attack their jailers. The dragons aren't thrilled about remaining there for longer, but the promise of being able to retaliate against those that have kept them from freedom for so long has them agreeing.

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