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Dhiren is a little nervous about what Jessa will do once he turns around after closing the door. He's a little shocked that she is just moving towards the bathing chamber and ignoring him completely. 

He doesn't think that is a good sign.

He hurries to follow and starts shedding his own clothes to follow her into the bathing pool when her words stop him cold. "You think it's funny that I was uncomfortable being hugged by your parents?" Jessa won't even look at Dhiren and he's not sure if that is better or worse than her looking at him with anger.

"Jessa, I had no idea that they would pull you into a hug like that. They hardly ever hug me. I'm sorry if you felt that I was enjoying your misery, but I was happy that my parents are accepting you fully like that."

"Accepting me fully? Of course they are, they are planning on dumping the ruling of Silva on me as soon as this war is over if not before." Jessa turns to Dhiren now and he's shocked to see pure panic on Jessa's face. 

His Jessa that fought an ancient dragon that not even her grandfather could win against and had no fear about doing so is panicked at the thought of ruling Silva.

Dhiren goes over to her and pulls her close. "Jessa, you knew when you accepted me that we would rule Silva together. You always knew that I was the crown prince and when you married me you would be the crown princess. You knew that my parents would either die or abdicate some day and we would take the thrones."

"Yeah, I knew that. I also knew abstractly that Alaric would one day abdicate and leave me to rule the golds. I just hadn't planned on it being as soon as this war is over."

Dhiren doesn't know what else to do but hold her and give her comfort to the best of his abilities. Slowly her panic eases.

Once her panic is gone he eases her away from him so that he can see her face. "You knew all this before, why are you so terrified about it now?"

Jessa sighs as she struggles to put her thoughts into words. She is much better at intimidation than speaking.

"I was never taught how to rule. I was raised simply. I learned to fight, I'm good at it, but a good ruler needs to be more than just a fighter. 

"I was never taught how to be more. I really don't know the first thing about court etiquette. The thought of being bound by rules and duties terrifies me."

"Jessa, I was raised by elves to take on the mantle of king for the moon elves. I haven't the slightest idea of how to rule the gold dragons so I'm glad that you will be their ruler and not I." Dhiren flinches as soon as the words leave his mouth. He fully expects Jessa to be angry at his relief, instead he's horrified by what she says.

"Do you actually think that I will be alone in ruling the gold dragons? We are mated and you are the crown prince of the golds, that means you will be right alongside of me ruling them as well. But as I will be under you in ruling Silva you will be under me ruling the golds."

Her words bring Dhiren into a panic as well and he struggles to come out of it. It is Jessa starting to cry the shocks him.

The shock of Jessa crying brings Dhiren out of his panic as he rushes to reassure Jessa. "You were taught whether you realize it or not. Sorid and Kallen taught you the finer manners for court, you are a natural born leader and you have proven yourself as a leader to both our people time and again. You are fair and just, honestly I don't think you could possibly have been taught anything more than you already have been. 

"It's just the thought of ruling the golds, we're babies to them, perhaps not newborns but damn near the next thing to it and some of them are ancient, like your grandfather. I can't see any of them being happy about us taking over as their rulers." Dhiren explains a few of his thoughts.

"Yeah, remember I more or less said that to Alaric. Don't you remember that he replied something along the lines of the golds pretty much rule themselves and that Frosnack is likely already planning the coronation for us."

Dhiren stares at her in shock. He hadn't remembered that part at all. Probably because he was still in shock over what Alaric had informed them.

"Dhiren?" Jessa calls to him hiding her own mirth. He's taking things rather well, far better than she had. She was too shocked but once she came out of her shock she was ready to hit Alaric. Fortunately for him he had taken the opportunity to escape while he had the chance.

There are sounds on the other room of people and the smell of food comes wafting through the doorway.

"Before we meet with your parents and the others we should eat." Jessa says but she isn't sure if it's her words or the smell of the food that gets Dhiren moving. They quickly clean themselves before getting out of the bath. It takes them only a few moments to dry off and dress. They haven't had really good food since before Lexin was destroyed. They had decent food as they were traveling, but not really good food and the palace food is always really good.

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