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The fighting continues for several weeks. The little dragons find themselves busier and more useful than they ever have before not just to their larger cousins but to the humans and elves as well. 

It is thanks to the efforts of the little dragon kin that they are finally able to locate the main camp of the chromatic dragons. The little ones are able to give directions to Mel so that he can look it over and report back. 

The other dragons still aren't able to give accurate numbers and don't quite understand information that the others need, Mel does. With his reports they are able to set up a surprise attack at dawn in two days. All of them are looking forward to it. None of them are looking more towards it than Jessa and those that she liberated from enslavement. When they were informed that the enemy camp was located they were all for attacking immediately. It took Jessa  quite some time talking them down. 

Several hours later Jessa and Dhiren come out of the meeting exhausted. "It's a damn good thing we aren't attacking them now. I had no idea that it would get them so riled up." Jessa admits to Dhiren even as they request food be sent to their room.

"Me neither. I just hope that they are able to stick with the plan of action we outlined for them and don't allow their emotions to get in the way." Dhiren says in total agreement with Jessa as he slips into the pool to bathe.

Jessa follows him shortly and they bask in the silence and take the chance to relax which they haven't had much time for the last few weeks.

Tension and worry seems to float away as they float on the water.

All too soon they hear people in the other room and smell the food they brought in. Sighing they sit up and walk up the steps and out of the pool. "After we eat we can come back here and relax some more." Dhiren says hopefully.

"We'll see," Jessa says smiling as she closes her eyes and moves to the music of the moon that is just coming into sight of their window.

Dhiren smirks and pulls her close, "Or perhaps we'll find another way to relax."

Jessa pushes away from Dhiren and smirks at him. "Perhaps."

With those words the two seat themselves at the table and eat. They don't inhale the food like they had to do many times over the weeks but they don't linger over it either. By the time they are finished the moon song is strong and the need to dance to it is as well.

The two once more find themselves in the wraps used for the dancing and so start moving to the music. Somehow the dance ends with the bed directly behind them. Not that either of them really noticed they are so caught up in each other that the dragons could be sending gouts of flame and acid at them and they wouldn't notice.

They have two more attacks against them before the time comes for them to take the battle to the enemy. No one is complaining about the early morning this time. They are all excited that the fight might finally end this day. Jessa has a slight smile and an eager light in her eyes as they assemble for, hopefully, the final battle of this war. They will all breathe easier once the evil dragons are no more.

The time comes and the signal is given. The metallic dragons lift to the air some carrying the best archers the elves and humans have. They will be doing their best to keep the dragons grounded as Jessa takes the combined forces of elves and yes, even some humans to fight on the ground. They are all defending their families and homes and wish to return to them. They, too, have the light of fire in their eyes.

The deities help to keep their attack hidden from the enemy as they close in around the camp. As the sun rises Jessa gives the signal and the attack is on. Arrows rain down on the unsuspecting dragons. Most of which are still sleeping. Once the arrows stop falling Jessa and Dhiren lead the charge into the remaining dragons. 

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