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Jessa more than a little irritated at the news she received the night before makes everyone start even earlier than she normally does. Everyone, the army and her caravan start out before the dawn even breaks. But no one, not even the mules dare to protest once Jessa looks at them.

It doesn't take long for the word to spread to stay away from Jessa unless you want a tongue lashing or it's very important. Not even Kallen dares to go near her at this time. He does find Dhiren and talk to him about Jessa's dark mood though.

"She found out that she won't just be expected to take on the duties of being crown princess of both people, but that she will be expected to take on the responsibilities of being queen of both peoples. She is less than thrilled about this." Dhiren explains to his confused general.

Kallen sits back on his horse and thinks about that for a bit. "When is this all supposed to take place?"

"Once the dragons are defeated and the fighting is mostly done. My parents have been wanting to step down for more than a century now and have been waiting most anxiously to do so." Dhiren says absently. "You've known this, Kallen."

"Yes, but I hadn't expected them to do so this fast after your marriage." Kallen says grimacing.

"Yeah, well, I'm just glad they waited until after my marriage. I'm not sure that Jessa would have married me if they had shoved the throne on me before."

Kallen gives out a bark of laughter. What all the elf maidens desire, Jessa has none. It had been a real negative that Dhiren had been the crown prince of the elves for Jessa. She has no desire for power and the duties that tie the rulers down. Some of the time she made Dhiren wait for the official marriage was her finding out what the duties of the crown princess are. She had complained to Sorid and him many times over the lack of freedom that will result in her taking over those duties. 

"Better pray that we find a nest of dragon kin or bandits then so she can take her ill humor out on them." Kallen finally tells his prince smirking and resolves to stay away from Jessa unless it is necessary for him to interact with her.

Dhiren gives him a sour look before Jessa calls him to her side as the sun comes up and it's now light enough to range ahead of the army.

Silently and quickly all their guards move forward and disappear in the early morning mist and darkness.

"Kallen, what's going on?" Dennis asks the bemused general.

"Stay out of Jessa's way for a bit, your highness. She just found out that both the moon elves and the gold dragons are going to be giving Jessa the throne once the war is over." Kallen says smiling at the confused elf.

"But she knew that she would be ascending the elven throne at the very least. What do you mean by the gold dragons?"

With those confused words Kallen loses it and starts laughing. "I apologize, your highness. I didn't realize that you hadn't been told yet  or figured it out. Alaric is the gold dragon king."

Kallen is watching the confused prince and feels for him. He's not stupid, but no where near the brilliance of his mother.

"Yeah, I knew that." Dennis says waving that information away.

"Jessa is his grand daughter," Kallen tells the confused monarch.

"I know that, she told me herself." Dennis replies querulously.

Kallen just looks at the sun elf king expectantly for him to put things together.

It takes Dennis a bit of time but then realization takes over and Kallen can practically see the understanding lighten the elf up. "Oh. She was the crown princess of the gold dragons and Alaric will be wanting for her to take over shortly."

"Yeah. She only found out that she was the crown princess a few years ago. She was less than pleased that she will shortly be taking over as queen. Once the fighting is over she won't be having as much freedom. Jessa enjoys her freedom. It chafes her just to have the guards that she's required to have. That's why she demands so much of them, they need to keep up with her. Not many can and those that can have taken years to get to that point. 

"I think that the elves are going to find that Jessa will be tougher on them and keep them in higher fighting shape than they've ever been in." Kallen smirks at that then adds on his smirk growing into a smile, "I think the gold dragons will find themselves learning to fight in their humanoid shapes far more with Jessa. Not sure who's going to teach her how to fight as a dragon, but whoever it is better be damn good  or she'll easily learn and wipe the floor with them."

"That joy will fall to me, Reniel would have been the one to teach her if he had lived." Alaric comes out of the shadows and interjects himself in the conversation. Kallen had been aware that someone was near and listening but hadn't known for sure who it was until Alaric came forward.

"I believe Jessa has already spoken to you and others about inserting yourselves in conversations that are none of your business." Kallen says a bit irritated but even more amused.

"Jessa has talked to us about a great many things, but at this time I'm still her king and I'll always be her grandfather." Alaric replies testily and uses a grumpy voice. But Kallen can hear the undertones of love and affection, not to mention the amusement in Alaric's words.

"Is there something you need, Alaric?" Kallen asks respectfully. Alaric can wipe him across the floor and he knows it.

Now Alaric is full on smiling, "Yes, general, I just thought you should know that there is a nest of chromatic full dragons about two miles ahead. If you hurry you and some of the soldiers might get to see Jessa take out her anger and frustration."

"Oh, thank Zira," Kallen says and lets the army know to pick it up. They follow Alaric as he shows them the way to where Jessa and those with her are even now surrounding the enemy and getting ready to attack.

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