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Sorry about the long wait. I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Jessa watches the group before them and smiles happily. There's only about twenty, but she has no doubt that they are dragon kin. They are wearing the same uniform that the enemy was wearing in the battle the day before. She thinks that the uniform itself is imbued with armor like qualities, it won't stop her but it will require more energy to get through it.

At her signal her guard and Dhiren's let loose with their arrows. Half the group goes down and Jessa is even happier. Now she gets to play with them.

She runs forward as do the rest of her guard and Dhiren matches her step for step. She is very thankful to Dhiren for giving her the magical boots. It makes it so that her guard doesn't out run her.

It doesn't take long for them to run through the disoriented group. Once they realized that it was Jessa coming after them they seemed to lose the will to fight even though they continued until they are killed.

"Oh, that was nice. Hopefully there will be more willing to play along the way." Jessa says as she cleans her sword off on one of the dead kin.

She then turns her attention to those that were fighting at her side. "Any one hurt?" She is already examining Dhiren to make sure that the blood is only that of their enemy. Then she turns to Jasper as the others tell her that only a few minor cuts they've already cleaned up. Since they aren't screaming in agony she doesn't think any of the enemy blood got into their wounds.

"Great! Let's see if we can find any more playmates before going back to the army." Jessa says brightly.

The guards aren't too thrilled at this but it's far better than having an irritable Jessa. They had enough of that on the trip to Lexin.

They range ahead for a few hours before Jessa tells them to rest and they wait for the army to meet up with them.

"Jessa, if the army is having magical assistance to make it to Silva rapidly then how are you sure that they aren't already ahead of us?" Dhiren asks as he is grateful to sit.

"The travel is compressed, I guess is the best way to explain it. We've cleared out far more than you realize since we were moved ahead along with the army. As I understand it, the deities are taking turns doing this since it is so complicated and difficult. They can't take the army from here to Silva all in one go so they've broken it up into stages. Part of the time we are marching normally then the spell goes off and we are super marching or that's what it would seem like to the rest of the world if they could see us. I think that when the spell goes off that we go so fast that other people can't even see us. We might appear and disappear  if people are looking at just the right times.

"So just how far have we come already?" Dhiren asks but the others are listening closely to Jessa.

"We've come more than half way to Roderick's city." Jessa decides after looking around. "I think we are rather close to where the white king had the ambush ready for us."

That makes all of them blink at Jessa. Weeks worth of travel was reduced to a few hours.

For Dhiren and the other elves this brings a great deal of relief.

"But then, what about the caravan?" Dhiren asks. He'd never cared much about making money before, but now he's a bit more anxious about the loss of what they have.

Jessa gives him a gentle smile. "Josnick and the caravan will be well taken care of. Don't worry, he'll get there intact with the caravan and it will be our job to make sure that there are locations for him to sell the wares that he'll be bringing with him."

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