Chapter 28- [As Veils Unfold]

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Previously on Forgotten, chapter 27...

Morro frowned, cocking his head to one side. His hand reached up and covered yours, keeping it against his chest. "What are you apologizing for?"

For the guilt. How could you not feel it? Lloyd did the damage and the two of them were clashing enemies even before you were thrown into the picture but... you couldn't help but think of yourself as being the underlying cause of all of this to have unraveled to such a degree. The whole thing started as a mission to get you back. And perhaps Lloyd wouldn't have followed so relentlessly if you and him hadn't gotten so close. Perhaps Morro would have fled instead of dueling Lloyd if you hadn't been lost in the crossfire.

Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.

There was a new found wetness behind your eyes that you blinked through. "For everything. For not remembering sooner. You don't deserve to carry a reminder of that night. That night in the forest was so horrid for everyone involved I just..." you trailed off, struggling to put it to words.

Morro did not need any more thankfully. His other hand cupped the side of your face. His thumb wiped over your cheek and it briefly sizzled like a coin thrown into acid, making you realize that a tear had managed to slip away and fall from your eye. You parted your lips to apologize for that too but Morro did not seem to even mind. "Hey," he whispered, bringing you into an embrace. You found comfort in the crook of his neck, closing your eyes. "It's alright, I'm fine-"

"You're not though-"

"I'm fine," He repeated firmly. "It is all simply the prices of war. That night, I thought I lost you, but I didn't. And I'd rather carry this wound and still have you with me than it being other way around. Okay?"

You didn't respond.

"[Y/n]." He coaxed.

You took a deep breath. "...Okay."


<|-: A S    V E I L S    U N F O L D :-|>

You feared this continued and everlasting war would kill Morro. For the second time, that is. For good this time.

All it would take was one more hit like the one he took in the forest. It could happen in seconds. The very thought made your blood run cold; the images of his soul flickering in spasms playing and rewinding like a film in the back of your eyes. Same to that which he had showed you: the forever opened wound he now bore. He's too reckless. Always has been, you supposed. Ambition was Death's loyal subject. It has taken Morro once and it will take him again.

Desiccate his soul to shreds and after that? Well, you doubted there was a 3rd realm for the double deceased. Sure, supposedly Lloyd has been lying low ever since the forest feud, but how long would that last? The Green Ninja would return to the front lines eventually, as his duty demanded it: to protect Ninjago from rivaling forces. And Morro and the ghosts have been increasing their attacks. You overheard them a few days ago talking over the strategy table, saying that they were getting closer to the goal at hand.

The goal.

'Besides, within the next few weeks, Ninjago will be no more.' That is what Bansha had told you back in the forest. You were still trying to wrap your head around it, wondering if what she had said was the truth or if it was merely to scare you. But why would she lie?

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