Chapter 2

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    "So you're training to be a ninja, huh?" (y/n) acknowledged curiously.
    Ever since the two of them had their reunion, they have been meeting with each other as many times as they could. Morro even took the time and risk to steal some food for her whenever it was a difficult day for (y/n). He couldn't tell Sensei Wu about her, since she didn't want him to. He accepted that... more or less.
    They were sitting on the rooftop of the dojo's house, having an amazing sight of the clearing, and the sun which was slowly starting to peak over the horizon. It was early morning.
    They sat there outstretched, side by side, watching.
    "Yeah," Morro grinned and answered proudly. "I'm training to be the green ninja."
    (y/n) looked over with wonder. "Is the... green ninja... important?"
    The raven-haired boy laughed at the words and gave her a look that went along with his words. "Duh! The green ninja is the most powerful ninja of them all. It's said that the one who's chosen by the four golden mega weapons will have the honor of wearing the color of green, and will have the ability to use all the elemental powers. Not only that, they will also be able to unlock the power of the first spinjitzu master!" He explained with a rush of excitement just thinking about it.
    (y/n)'s eyebrows slightly raised as she smiled at his excitement. She answered. "Wow, that sounds cool! So you're going to be that powerful one day?"
Morro nodded proudly and looked over at the sky that has lightened to welcome and encourage the sun to lift and show itself. "You bet! Sensei Wu told me I have the strength to become the green ninja. He said that we will see for sure soon, but I'm not too worried," he stated in a relaxed manner. "It's my destiny to become that powerful."
She didn't know if it was the tone of his words, or what he was saying. The look in his eyes or the expression of his face. But the air around the boy seemed to shift and become unsettling. Unnerving almost.
    Whatever it was, (y/n) ignored it. She nodded along to his words, and joined his gaze, settling hers on the horizon. Her foot shifted side to side a little. Glancing down in the clearly of the dojo, she craned her head to the boy. "Hey, if you think you're all tough and strong, why don't you play around and show me some more of your little wind magic."

    Morro glanced at her and laughed. "Wind magic? Is that what we are calling it now?" He teased.
    Glancing down in the clearing below them, he raised his hands up positioning them in front of him. He let them stretch out comfortably.
    It didn't take long, for the dry dust from the ground to start shifting. It raised a little, before falling, sweeping over the land. Raised, before falling.
    Morro's eyes focused, as he clenched his hands into fists, before releasing them slowly.
    Soon the dust started sweeping over the ground in a circular motion, raising higher and higher.
    (y/n) looked down in awe, her mouth parting a little at the shock, and her eyes lit with amazement. No matter how many times she saw it, she was amazed. She enjoyed watching these powers. They were outstanding to her.
    Morro glanced to the side to look at her, and watched as she looked at his work with a shine in her eyes. He grinned, and glanced back down to the now swirling tornado of dust.
    Concentrating, he started shifting his hands up, moving his arms. And the tornado did too. It raised up off the ground and swirled in the air, raising higher and higher. Both of their eyes following it.
Bringing his two hands closer together, Morro quickly moved them away from each other. The wind reacted with his hands as he instructed. The tornado split into two smaller ones, one being on the left, and the other on the right. "You wanna try?" Morro joked.
    (y/n) rolled her eyes and gently punched him in the shoulder, making the tornado on the left stumble a little. "Psh, yeah yeah, okay Mr.Destined To Be Green Ninja Wind Master."
Morro shut his hands, clamping them into fists. The wind seemed to disappear, and the dust slowly fell back down to the ground. He moved his hands back to his sides. "That's a pretty long title right there." He said with a snicker.

The girl stuck out her tongue for a split second, before sighing. "I wish I had elemental powers too. That'd be so cool!" She huffed.
"What element would you like having?" Morro asked curiously.
(y/n) thought for a moment, looking up at the sky, as she hummed. "Hmm... probably (favored element)."
The dark haired boy shrugged. "Well who knows. Maybe you do have the power of an elemental master. I mean, I never knew until just a few months ago!"
    She looked at him and smiled softly, before looking back at the sun who's tip was peaking up finally.
    They both watched the sun rise, for as long as the sun was still covered by the horizon. Once the sun's whole form was above the line where it came from, they had to part ways, for the others would start waking up. Till the time they'd meet again.

And they did. They met every two to three days, either at night, or early morning.
Even though there were multiple close calls with Morro sneaking out, or trying to come back in, he found the risks worth it. Besides, he could just make excuses.
He enjoyed meeting with (y/n), and spending time with her. He even taught her a couple defense and counter attacks, as well as tips to fighting.
She, in return, showed him all the places she found while exploring around the mountain and below.
That all changed though, when Morro's test to determine whether he was the green ninja, failed.

    When Sensei Wu claimed that Morro wasn't supposed to become the green ninja, the young boy slowly fell into the pits of anger, and determination to prove the man wrong.
    (y/n) and him started meeting less, and when they did, Morro wasn't the same. He was colder, and no other topics interested him any longer other than about him being the green ninja.
    But the real surprise was on one sunny day. The last day.

    (y/n) was walking up the long staircase up to the dojo. Perhaps halfway. But she was used to it. She has been walking up and down them for some time now ever since her encounter with Morro.
They haven't seen each other for 7 to 8 days now, and (y/n) decided to check on him. Sure he has changed, and she was a bit worried about him, but she understood... at least a little.
The boy has looked forward to being claimed the green ninja for so long, only to have his hopes swept away by destiny.

The wind seemed to grow intensely at that moment, blowing at her clothes and hair. (y/n) looked up, and her eyes widened a little, taken back in surprise when she noticed Morro walking down the stairs.
"Morro!" She called, and raced up the steps to him. She placed a hand on his arm though he suddenly pulled away and tensed.
"Don't touch me!" He looked up to her with a gleam in his eyes that said it all.
(y/n) was taken back by his unfriendly manner, and stepped down a step, looking at him with raised eyebrows. "M-Morro?" She asked. "Wh-what's wrong?"
"It's none of your business, leave me alone!" He hissed, though found himself adding anyways. "Damn to all of you! All of you making a mockery of me!"
(y/n) shook her head, confused, and hurt. Hurt by his words and the expression on his face that showed complete hatred. "What happened, Morro?" She asked again in a whispering voice.
Morro glared at her with eyes for daggers. "Sensei Wu said I was a threat to the dojo." He sneered with disgust. "First he thinks he can take my destiny of being the green ninja away from me, and now he blames me for all of this!"
(y/n) knew. He has told her how he has been taking more risks in the past days. He has been defeating the other students with no mercy, and pushing them to fight him. All because he wanted to prove to Sensei Wu that he was wrong.
"Well the hell with him. I'll show him. I'll show them all. I was destined to be the green ninja! And nobody else!" The wind blew through his raven black hair, kneading through it.
Morro stared at (y/n), but she didn't answer. She didn't know how. The boy has lost his mind. She has simply pushed away the fact for so long.
When she didn't answer, Morro huffed and brushed passed her, starting his way back down the steps.
"Wh-where are you going?" Was the only thing she could call out to him finally after a minute.
He didn't stop. Morro kept on going as he simply called, looking forward. "To prove them all wrong."

(y/n) watched him walk down those steps with strides of anger and determination. She simply stood there and watched the boy leave. Never to return.
She hoped to seem him again. One day. She hoped that all he said was just caused by anger, and that he would regret all of it. She hoped that he would go back to normal.
He never did. He never changed and he never returned. That was the last time (y/n) ever saw him.

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