Chapter 18-[Their Trust]

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Previously in Forgotten, chapter 17...

    Your words were interrupted immediately as Morro raised his arm, and hanging from his enclosed hand you realized he was holding the pendent he first gave you, the crystal which sent you to that forest, the one that started all of this. "Keep it on you at all times and make sure they don't know that you have it. When we come for you, we won't have time to loot for your stuff, so I'm giving it to you now."
    You continued to stare at him silently, though when he looked back at you again, it's as if everything vanished. His eyes once again hard, his facial features scorn. He was a completely different person than the one which looked at you hopefully merely a few seconds ago. Honestly, you were curious as to how that innocently pure and happy boy in the picture could have turned into the monster which stood before you. How much hate had it taken? For how long did it build up? It pained you to even think about it.


<|-: T H E I R T R U S T :-|>

Morro came and checked on you ever 3 to 4 days for any update. These visits ranged during different times, though they were always some time at night. Sometimes you only had to wait a few minutes after the lights went out, sometimes it was hours. Sometimes you'd give up and go to sleep, only to be abruptly woken up by Morro waiting impatiently for more news.
    You couldn't believe it's been a little over 3 weeks now since the outbreak within the canyon, 2 weeks knowing Morro still needed you, 2 weeks when your and Lloyd's chats seemed less then something to look froward to, but something you couldn't bear. Morro had been right: it was significantly harder keeping up the whole 'abandon'ed act after you learned it wasn't real; you hated lying to him. It was like lying to a kid, those innocent eyes staring back at you, expecting nothing but the truth. Truth you simply couldn't give.

"Hey, [y/n]."
"Huh?" You blinked your thoughts away, raising your head to see everyone a little bit ahead from you, stopping and looking back in your direction. It had been Cole who had said something.
"You good? Come on, keep up," he told you stiffly, but it wasn't harsh.
You glanced at Lloyd who had an almost concerned look over his face, before you took to your steps and broke the distance between the group. As you continued on, Cole stayed at your side, perhaps a little behind you to ensure you kept up with the others as you all walked through the town.
It was a relatively small town though a bit tidier than Stiix and perhaps less sketchy. The Bounty needed some more restocks, and this time the ninja decided to bring you along with them. It was you, Zane, Jay, Cole, Kai, Nya, and Lloyd while Wu and Misako stayed back for reasons you weren't given. The six ninja decided to grab a bite at a small and quick dinner and you followed without much say in the matter. You were being babysat- that's how you saw it at least; it's not like they welcomed you willingly to join their lunchtime so you tried to just stay out of conversations awkwardly.

The 7 of you arrived at the diner and were given a long table to sit at, you stuck in between Lloyd and Jay while Kai and Nya were on the opposite side of the table with Cole on the sibling's side and Zane on the other side of Lloyd.
When given the menu, you first stared at it with a dumbfounded expression. When was the last time you were able to sit at a diner? Order peacefully and whatever you wanted. It wasn't food the prison gave you, it wasn't food the ghosts gave you, it wasn't food the ninja gave you, it was your choice. It felt strange, this 'power' of choice. So strange that you looked up and around you at the ninja with a blank look, as if waiting for the catch or waiting for them to order you something, probably the cheapest meal on the menu or just a..... raw potato for all you knew. Maybe if you were lucky, you'd get a baked one. But when you waited for the catch, nobody gave it to you. They were all zoned in on what they'd get, talking to each other carefree as they 'oo'ed and 'aww'ed at the food that sounded amazing.
Kai looked up and met your gaze, raising a brow at your confusion and answering it with his own. He kinda looked from your face down to the menu in front of you as if silently asking, 'you're not getting anything?'. Lloyd from beside you finally turned to you and asked. "So, [y/n], what are you getting? You can get whatever you want, don't worry!" He added, chuckling at your dumbfounded stare making you turn away sheepishly.
"Oh.... um... I don't know..." you finally peeked over the menu as you mumbled out. "There's so many choices...."
"Aghh!! I know!" Jay suddenly cried out on your other side. You watched his distressed face as he scanned the menu repeatedly, and for a second you almost thought he was crying over it, it was pretty amusing. "Everything sounds so good!! This is so difficult!"
"How is it difficult?" Cole scoffed from across the table, leaning back into his chair with a closed menu, ready to order. "Just get one of everything, and then you won't have to decide! That's what I'm doing," he stated proudly.
Jay huffed at the black-haired, broad-shouldered man. "Well, unlike you, Cole, I'm actually looking out for my figure and not doing that!"
To that, Cole simply shrugged. "Suit yourself, suffer then in choosing what you should get. I burn away all the calories in a matter of seconds anyway," he bragged, sending a wink towards Nya's direction who was right next to him. She simply rolled her eyes with a smile and continued to find a dish appetizing for herself.
You glanced over at Lloyd who simply gave you a laugh and a shrug to respond to what just happened. You couldn't help but smile along, and turn back to the menu.

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