Chapter 22- [Worth]

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Previously on Forgotten, chapter 21...

"Mor-!!" ...Before impact.
    Kaze crashed into the eroded rock, breaking through it due to how thin and brittle it was. The impact alone, along with your lack of awareness and physical preparation was all enough to send you flying. Letting go of Morro was like a force of nature, you couldn't have prevented it. There wasn't the scaly seat of Kaze's hind, there wasn't the rough fabric of Morro's clothes. All there was was air as you fell. Air, and then water when you crashed into the ocean below, plunging beneath as the strong waves erased any memory or notice of your entrance into the water.
The tower of rock crumbled and collapsed into the ocean. You saw the boulders crash into the water as well around you, falling quicker due to their heavy weight.
Unlike them, though, your body seemed to take its time traveling further down. And that was okay, because as you felt yourself sink lower and lower... you came to realize that beneath the ocean's waves there was no storm. There was no war. There was no choosing sides.

There was just you.... and peace.
It was peaceful, and you were okay with that.


<|-: W O R T H :-|>

It was peaceful, the water enclosing around you and fondling with your clothes.
You sunk deeper into the body of water, flowing down towards the pit.
It felt nice, not having to do anything. Not having to worry about breathing.
All attention was turned to your mind, and your thoughts. Your memories. The memories that you have selfishly kept trapped in a cage. Your heart.
Bubbles filled with air inside escaped your nose and parted lips, as your lungs filled with water that your body couldn't stop it.

You didn't want to awake. You didn't want to return. You didn't feel the need. Haven't you accomplished everything already? What more was there for you? For your, destiny.

But then you remembered him. You hesitated, with a painful confusion and surprisingly... regret.

You decided to recollect your thoughts. Your memories from the way beginning of your adventure. The beginning between the both of you. All those years... how long ago was it? 40? No, 50 years? It was difficult to remember. But such things didn't matter no longer.

Let's start from the beginning, shall we?


    And from the beginning you began. You regurgitated all the memories you could remember. All the memories that seemed to unlock all at once to the memories you recently made. From Morro and you as children to his rage when he left. With you waking up within the prison to Caseem's first appearance there. Meeting the ghosts in that forest, being the rat in their plan. All the times with Lloyd and getting closer to the ninja. All these memories lead up to this one moment. What were you to do with it all?
    Some would say cherish it. The good and the bad, it all made you who you are. But is that real satisfaction? There was no satisfaction in regret and it felt like regret was all that was coming to mind.

The heavy regret was difficult to understand. Was it for Lloyd? Regret for tricking him, for pulling him into this, for not returning his feelings for you, for now risking his life trying to ensure your freedom from the ghosts.
Or was it for Morro, a regret for forgetting him. A regret for never being able to talk to him about this- about you two, about your past. A regret for not finding out if he even remembered you or not. Who knows, maybe it was better to leave it unspoken off. Best not to open a can of worms. But then..... the feeling regret once again. It felt unfinished, this thing between the two of you, whatever it was.

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