Chapter 13-[Cat and Mouse]

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Previously on Forgotten, chapter 12...

        "If I had an elemental power, I would so get you back," you claimed in certain.
    He laughed, and nodded, "Sure, you could try maybe. Gotta hand it to you though, wind would almost always defeat [favored element]."
    You suddenly froze, stopping in the middle of the walk. Morro carried on for a couple other steps, before trailing to a stop, turning back to you with a questioning 'hmm?'
    "H-how did you know that? How did you guess the element?" You asked him, completely shocked.
    He examined you, his features softening as he asked, "Was I right?"
    Hesitantly, you nodded, and he thought for another moment, before shrugging, and reassuring you with a small and covering smile, "Just a lucky guess, I suppose. It fits you."

You were still a little suspicious.... but what else could it have been other than a guess? You've never told him about that, and it's not like he could read your mind.... right? No... that'd be ridiculous. His statement was so sure though.
"Well it was a pretty good guess, kinda unbelievable...."
"Darling, please. I am known for being unbelievable. Unbelievably smart, unbelievably handsome-"
You suddenly cut him off, stepping up to him to continue your walk, "Unbelievably annoying~!" You hummed out sweetly, giving him a challenging look.
He blinked at you, and scoffed, sticking out his tongue at you like a little kid.
You couldn't help but also scoff after him at his childish behavior, "Unbelievably childish...." you listed off.
"...Shush, girl."


<|-: C A T    A N D    M O U S E :-|>

"[y/n]! [y/n] wake up!" A sudden sharp hiss entered your ears, and a hand upon your shoulder shook you harshly, waking you up.
    You gave off a soft groan, slowly opening your eyes and repeatedly blinking. Your vision cleared, and you soon were able to comprehend that Caseem was at the side of your bed, looking down at you.
This was strange. They didn't usually wake you up, since you woke up on your own at a time they accepted.
"Caseem? Wh-what's-?"
"Get up, it's time!" Caseem hissed out, stepping back for the side of the bed and going towards the door, "Morro wants you ready in 10 minutes before we head out, so let's move!"
Before he was able to make it out the door, you quickly called out after him, "Time? T-time for what?"
Caseem pauses at the doorway, a hand placed upon the door handle as he glanced over his shoulder at you, before calling out, "The ninja are here. It's time to make the move."

    You wasted no time getting up and ready once Caseem left the room. You knew how important this was to the ghosts and even though you didn't agree with them, you didn't really feel like pissing them off by spoiling their plans.
    Exiting your room while fixing your cloak, you looked around, surprised to see nobody there. None of the ghosts were around. None, of course, other than Morro, who was waiting at the front door, and immediately raised himself off the wall when he saw you.
    "Took you long enough, let's go, girl," he quickly snapped, but as you quickly stepped up to him, you felt a difference in his aura. It was dark and eerie as always of course, but it held a tense feeling to it. An excitement, urge, but at the same time nerves.
    Never the less, you said nothing, and the two of you ventured outside of the apartment, Morro this time not physically joining you.

It was about 9 or so in the morning, not too early but not that late either. It was 9 in the morning, and your mind was whirling.
You slipped out of Stiix well, and had to travel to the little outpost at the mountain's wall where the shack was until Morro appeared.
He walked past you, and wafted his hand into the air. The wind picked up, and whirled around in front of him before Kaze's form appeared within the wind in a swirl of green mist.
    "The ninja are at Stiix?" You asked, finally breaking the tense silence, as you stepped up towards him and the dragon.
Morro nodded, as he helped you upon onto the dragon, murmuring out, "The five of them, yes. In 10 minutes or so Bansha is going to possess a mortal and innocently tell them that she saw someone that fit your description within the mountains," he explained, quickly getting on in front of you once you were sitting. "That will hopefully provoke them to come through this valley and see you running, coming down right into our trap."

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