Chapter 19- [Your Conflict]

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Previously on Forgotten, chapter 18...

    You already expected to be interrupted again, but you never expected it to be done like this. With Lloyd's lips planting themselves upon yours, and the sweetness of the cherry ice cream he had been consuming leaking onto your tongue to be mixed with the mint in a fusion you never expected to be so...... captivating. It was rough and it was sloppy, the sum of two inexperienced kissers trying to make something work.... but, god damn, did it work in the end. And throughout it all, the people around you whispered to each other and tried not to stare as the one and only green ninja just pulled off a confession in the busy street of a town.
    Pulling away, Lloyd kept himself close and you even closer, not allowing you to move as he whispered, his lips running from yours to your cheek. "I want you to experience freedom, [y/n], but wish.... no... I hope you can allow me to help show it to you."
    You were lost for words, heart racing and pounding in your head while Lloyd's sweet scent soothed you to the core. You didn't know what to reply with, you didn't even know if you could. It was like Lloyd had sucked it all out from you, and you were but a shell; a troubled one.


<|-: Y O U R C O N F L I C T :-|>

"It's pretty, isn't it?"
As the Bounty glides through the skies of the afternoon, the clouds seem so close, almost close enough to reach out and grab hold of. They glistened in shimmering colors of gold to orange to pink. The cool breeze picked through your hair and tingled against your nose and the tips of your ears.
You've rested yourself against the side of the ship for some time now, head full of thought, heart swollen and crowded. You had hoped the fluffiness that came with the lightness of the clouds would help your chest lift a little and that the fresh air could soothe your mind of worry. It worked, maybe a little.
"I still can never get used to it," Lloyd continued, leaning against the ledge just like you though a few feet away as if not to crowd you or scare you off. "Back when I was younger being taught to do wrong, I never even noticed it. Only when I joined the ninja was I able to stop and appreciate the beauty of it all."
"Lloyd, if this is you prying in for me t-"
"I'm just talking about the sunset," Lloyd confirmed with a gentle almost innocent smile.

You still haven't given him an answer on whether you were going to stay with the ninja, with him, or leave. You still haven't given him any answer to those other things he told you, things you've never heard a person say to you nor expected to be said to you.
Deep inside, you felt horrible. The silence between you two was tight, sort of like the tension whenever you were around Morro. But with Morro, there was no longing, was there? The two of you hadn't anything to long to say to each other like you and Lloyd now had. There was no wait, there was no clamp shut jaws just waiting to release raw emotion that could make or break a connection, was there? No. No, it was just fear.

It's been 4 days since the confession between you and Lloyd and over that amount since the last time you had spoken to Morro. Where was he? Has he abandoned you again? You didn't know if you could keep this up any further.
Just as Lloyd had said, he tried to move you out of the cell. He set up a sort of loft for you down in the cellar where your cell still stood, though the door was open and you were no longer sleeping in it. While it wasn't much of a change, it was appreciated and it made you feel a bit more human and equal.

   You felt his eyes on you, burning holes into your clothes and sizzling at your skin, longing for you to look back and meet them; you couldn't. Not after what had happened between the two of you on that supply check 4 days ago.
    You knew Lloyd wanted to say something. Wanted to mention it, remind you of it as if there was ever a chance for you to forget such an electrifying moment. But he didn't. He just stared at you with that naive hope in his eyes that maybe, just maybe, you'd turn to him and say yes. Move closer to him so the two of you could share the feeling of the kiss once more, this time both ready for it.

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