Chapter 9

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Previously on Forgotten, chapter 8...

The dead end of the ally neared, and soon enough the last left door came into view. You slowed down to a stop in front of it. Was this it?
Taking a deep breath, you cleared your throat, and grabbed hold of the cold metal knob, before twisting it and pushing at the door. It opened with loud creaks, but you pursued and stepped in.
Immediately conversations stopped unfinished, and all eyes turned on you, as you took a couple more steps in past the door.
Morro was there, in he dim room near the female ghost. The two of them were standing in front of a table that had a map over it. The chained ghost and this Ghoultar were sitting a little way away together, while Caseem opened one eye from a dusty couch on the far right of you. But where was-

A sudden slam behind you made you jump, and whirl around. You were met with the archer ghost, a few feet away from you. His eyes seemed to have never lost their irritation from before. One of his arms was stretched out, his hand still on the door that he slammed shut.
"Told ya I wouldn't lose her," Morro suddenly said sweetly, breaking the silence.
The archer huffed, his deep voice creating a growl, "Too bad," he muttered as he passed you to go back to the others. This was going to get interesting.


    The outcast. Such as the black sheep in the white herd, you stood out. Within the dim room, the 6 ghosts's green aura was more clear. It glowed and glimmered, surrounding their transparent bodies.
    You didn't belong here with them. Then again, you didn't belong in the prison either. But you agreed that you would choose prison over being a gang of ghost's pet any day.
The so called hideout was a decent apartment like room. There were a few pillars stationed around the large room which resulted in a kitchen, dining room, and living room. The dining room table was covered in a map that rose and became holographic and 3D, and the kitchen counters had random things upon it.
You sat on the old couch next to Caseem, its musky scent lingering in your nostrils. He watched you with the corner of his eye, hands behind his head and one of his legs raised, ankle on the other leg's knee.
Fearing the thought of making this anymore awkward, you didn't meet his gaze, rather you glanced every now and then at the other ghosts around the room.

"That there, is Wrayth," Caseem suddenly whispered with his husky tone.
You glanced over at the ghost next to you, and he had closed his eyes, before his arms moved down and he straightened his back, now no longer leaning against the back of the couch.
He motioned towards the ghost in chains floating mid air, his legs crossed. "Said to be Chain Master, he's pretty chill and neutral, so he shouldn't give you a hard time. That is, unless he's angry..." Caseem trailed off, before continuing. "Although harmonic when calm, he gets really.... weird when angered or triggered, so just... don't do that," he said slowly, as if not really knowing how to explain it.
You took that to mind, and slowly nodded, examining Wrayth's floating body.
"The one next to him, the skeleton one? That's-"
"Ghoultar," you interrupted, known remembering his name.
Caseem nodded, continuing, "yeah, the Scythe Master. He's one of the oldest ghosts still around which explains his.... emptiness. Nevertheless, he's strong and one of the best scythe wielders I've seen. He's pretty much always clueless, so you should be fine with him."
You watched the two, and glanced over at Caseem, meeting his gaze. He returned it, and his eyes flickered with reassurance. If you ever had the choice on which ghost to stay close to, it would be Caseem. Although Morro seems protective as well, his attitude and snobby remarks really gets under your skin and makes your nostrils flare.

The long-haired ghost turned his attention to your guys' right, where the three others were at the table. You also looked at them, eager to hear what Caseem had to say for each.
"The Blade Master Bansha is...." he shuddered slightly, "something. All I have to say about her is that she's one of the most bitter ghosts I've met. She's a sorceress. A witch. She's one of the few that has the ability to mind meld. Her screech can cause an avalanche. I don't really think she likes anyone to be honest," Caseem scoffed and made a face as if he had a sour taste in his mouth.
"The feelings are mutual," you muttered under your breath. Although you had never spoken to her, her reaction to you when you first encountered the ghosts and her harsh stares said enough. "Who's worse? Bansha or the archer?"
Caseem glanced over at the archer by name. The covered ghost was at Morro's right, looking at the two of them. The ghost next to you created a short lasted chuckle, shaking his head, "Bow Master Soul Archer? Honestly, I don't know. They're a match made in hell, that's for sure. He's as bitter as her. Although he doesn't have the official title, he acts like the second in command of this group, and Morro accepts him in that position. His screeching arrows have the ability to turn whatever or whoever they touch into a ghost, or at least transparent. He has this grudge against this guy called Ronin, who made a deal with him and broke it. He's still on the hunt to this day."
"Neither of them like me very much," you murmured quietly, half to yourself.
    Caseem wafted his hand in the air and placed a hand on your shoulder, "Don't worry," he reassured, "I don't think they like anyone."
    The two of you met eyes, and he soon removed his hand, not wanting it to be awkward between the two of you.
    You turned back to the table, where Morro, Soul Archer and Basha stood. They spoke with each other, many times pointing at the map or glancing at it.

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