Chapter 1

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⭑ ⭒ ⭑ ⭒ The Ministry Worker


Newt sighs and gathers the few papers in her hands as she shoves Pickett into her shirt pocket, "Just for now, Pick, we're going home in a few hours, no need to worry about being in my pocket all the time then."

The Bowtruckle tries to climb out of her pocket only to get gently shoved back inside, "Granddad is missing you, I'm sure of it." She continues on.

"Sorry, Mr. Fudge, here's your paper work."

The Minister smiles as he takes the paper work and with a thanks walks way leaving her boss, Mr. Fawley standing there with crossed arms.

"Mr. Fawley, you've said numerous times if I work here in the Ministry for a few years you'd approve of my research, I've been here for three years-"

"Miss. Goldstein, no matter what I say you continue to do your research-"

She quickly interrupts him, "But not the research I want to do. I've requested a load of times to go out of the country."

"The last time you left the country you were seventeen and you almost had thirteen muggles dead."

She sighs running a hand through her reddy-brown hair, "Actually, I saved them, if I were there to treat that Griffin that got lose-"

"But who let it lose in the first place?"

"That was a mistake, sir, I could see it was hurt and I tried helping it, it was going to end up breaking free sooner or later, if the French Ministry didn't keep those creatures locked away it wouldn't have needed treatment in the first place."

"Miss. Goldstein-"

"I just need some materials and research for my new book, if I could just-"

"Miss. Goldstein."

She closes her mouth and steps back lightly, "No."

She looks down with a sigh and walks back to her desk. She glances at her open notebook, running a hand over the sketches of a Phoenix, she jumps as a handful of files are set on her desk.

Plopping herself into her chair she begins to work through the files. Almost three hours later there's a knock on her small 'office'.

"Mr. Fawley, you gave me almost two hundred files just three hours ago-"

She sighs when he walks away leaving her to get on with the work.

"This doesn't look like an adventure of a lifetime."

"Grandpa." Her eyes widen and she jumps to her feet standing in front of her desk, "W-W-What are you-?"

"I came to visit my favourite Granddaughter, have you seen her? I was told she's 'living the dream' and going on weekly adventures."

She offers a sheepish smile as he walks over to her, "So, Miss. Goldstein? What's wrong with your surname?"

She shrugs and sits on her desk, "I just didn't want people to treat me special because you're my granddad," She admits quietly looking at her nails, "Wanted to make a name for myself."

"With your grandmother's maiden name?"

Newt smiles at his old Bowtruckle putting his hand out for Pickett to climb up to him, "Well, I wasn't going to use Uncle Jacob's name."

She shrugs and he chuckles lightly shaking his head, "How's Granny?"

"She doesn't like being called that."

"I know."

Newt leans back in her chair putting her feet up on the desk allowing her grandfather to perch on the edge of the desk, "So, are you going to tell me what happened?"

She sighs and shakes her head making him tilt his head, "I asked for permission to write my book and travel."


"And..." She drags out, "They said yes, three years ago, with the condition I work for the Ministry for a few years."


She jumps almost falling out of her chair, "Goldstein! You better-! Oh, Blimey, Mr. Scamander, what are you doing here? Can I get you anything, sir?"

"No, thank you, Mr-?"

"Fawley, John Fawley, sir, big fan."

"Pleasure, Mr. Fawley, I was just visiting Sparrow here, I best be off, Tina's making roast beef."

He hands Pickett over giving Newt a quick kiss on the forehead before leaving with a 'goodbye'.

"You know Scamander?"

"Uh, yes, he's my granddad actually." She mumbles handing over a few files, and grabbing her coat, "Good evening, Mr. Fawley."

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