Chapter 12

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There's a loud knock on the office door, getting to her feet and flicking her wand for her last classes book to be put away Newt opens the door and smiles kindly at the familiar red head who she hasn't gotten close with the past two weeks.

"Hello, Charlie, what can I do for you?"

Charlie rubs the back of his neck and clears his throat, "I'm leaving in a few days and I-uh, wanted to ask if you wanted to go to Hogsmede...with me?"

She shrugs and opens the door for him to come inside, "Sure, I'll just get my coat, you did mean now, right?"

He nods quickly and she smiles to herself grabbing her jacket before using her wand to lock up, "Oh you have-"

She looks into her pocket to see Pick looking back at her and she sighs, "Pick, we've talked about this, sorry, he has separation anxiety."

Charlie chuckles watching as she puts away the creature into her pocket again and continues on her journey.

The pair talk of all sorts on their way to the village, dragons, schooling, teachers, their jobs, families and everything in between.

Charlie opens the door for her and they sigh in relief when the warm air takes over them, Newt heads over to a spare seat in the back while Charlie gets them a Butterbeer each.

He approaches the table setting one down in front of her and the other in front of him, "How've you been finding it? Teaching?"

A smile comes to her face when she thinks of her students, "Good, really good, it's amazing."

"Hope they aren't giving you too much trouble, my siblings I mean."

She shakes her head, "No not at all, they're all within the top five of my class, Ginny is top of the class, in her year group, actually, she gave a very detailed presentation on Dragons, I can see she's following after you."

"My job isn't as interesting as yours though, working that close to an creature as amazing as dragons, I'd probably die of happiness."

He chuckles a light pink dusting his cheeks as he takes a sip of his drink, "If you weren't working here I could guarantee you'd get a job in Romania."

She looks down, her finger tracing the rim of the glass, "I actually applied out there, and the sanctuary in America, the Ministry wouldn't allow it."

"The Ministry has no idea what they're talking about, you'd be great."

Charlie smirks to himself when he sees she is finally the one with slightly pink cheeks instead of him, "What's it like? Working there?"

Newt listens intently as he begins to talk all about the different dragons from different breeds and sizes to colours and ages.

Looking outside the pair realise its very dark, stars litter the sky and just a few people walk through the streets. Grabbing their coats and walking towards the castle in the December air.

Newt stops suddenly, looking up with a smile, Charlie looks up to see small snowflakes falling through the air.

He watches as she lets them fall onto her face, they stick in her hair and on her lashes and she giggles quietly before skipping back to Charlie.

"You act like you've never seen snow before."

She shrugs holding her hand out for Pickett to try and catch some snowflakes too, "I didn't spend a lot of time outside as a kid, unless there was a creature nearby, got detention a lot spent most of my days scrubbing the trophies."

Charlie chuckles, "I remember when I first saw you," He admits, "I didn't realise it was you until the twins told me you were the Keeper for Slytherin when you was here."

She nods, "When was that? When you first saw me?"

"I was in my sixth year..."

Charlie sighed again angrily closing the book before opening the next one, the library was quiet today, surprisingly.

Harsh whispers made him look up to see a girl with red almost brown hair gathering books, her Slytherin tie was wrapped around her wrist instead of her neck, her hair was in a messy pony tail with lose strands sticking out every which way and her shirt was only half tucked in.

Despite the messy way she held herself, he thought she was beautiful, freckles littered her face and her green eyes sparkled as she read the title of the book in her arms.

A boy Charlie recognised as to be in his fifth year and also a Slytherin was following after her, "I'm just saying-"

"Just saying," She scoffed putting one of the books back onto the shelf, "Just saying my arse hole, Avery."

He rolled his eyes following her to the next section of books completely oblivious to the red head watching from afar, "Come on, Scamander."





She grabbed him harshly by the ear bring him down to her eye level, "When a lady says no, she means no."

Pushing him away she sighed and grabbed a new pile of books while the boy rubbed his ear before walking away.

Charlie's eyes followed her as she sat down on a lone table by herself, students seemed to avoid her or move away to sit even further away from her.

Percy sighed as he finally sat back down having found the book he needed, "Hey, Perc?"


"Who's that?"

Percy followed his brother's gaze just as Newt looked up, Percy quickly turned away from her just as she tried to offer him a smile, she frowned, her shoulders sagging not noticing the red head who smiled back at her.

"Charlie," Percy hissed gaining his older brother's attention, "That's Scamander, she's a Slytherin in the year above me, no one talks to her."


"She once set a Hippogriff onto a boy in her Care of Magical Creatures Class. She's mental, crazy, always muttering to herself in the corridor, she always has a different Creature causing trouble around here."

Charlie snorted and a smile took over his face making Percy hit him with his book, "She almost got expelled for that, right she should I say."

Charlie rolled his eyes, "What do you know, Perc?"

"I know that if she pulls a stunt like that again the Ministry will surely have to step in, she could've gotten that poor boy killed, irresponsible, dangerous..." He trailed off shaking his head.

"I think she's cool, I'm going to speak to her."

He stood up gathering his books when he looked to the table she was gone, books gone from the table, chair tucked neatly in its place and spot empty as if no one had been there mere seconds ago.

"You remember that?"

He nods, "Why did you set that Hippogriff on that kid?"

She shrugs shoving her hands into her pocket as Pickett sits on her shoulder, "He spoke bad of my mother, called her a filthy blood traitor, so I pushed him in front of the Hippogriff, that's not what Kettleburn reported though, liked me too much to get me into trouble, pitied me I think."

Charlie chuckles and they both talk of their school days before finally arriving at her door, "I had a nice time, Charlie."

"Me too," He grins, "I'll see you again?"

"Yeah," Shoe nods her head and leans up placing a kiss on his cheek, "I'll see you again."

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