Chapter 9

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⭑ ⭒ ⭑ ⭒ Dragons ⭑ ⭒ ⭑ ⭒

Charlie walks through the castle with furrowed brows, he sighs and places his hands on his hips, "Could've sworn I was here just a minute ago."

"Mr. Weasley?"

He turns to see his old potions Professor strutting down the corridor, "Professor Snape, how are you sir-"

"Shouldn't you be taking care of those... creatures?"

He sighs and nods, his smile dropping, the potions Professor never really liked him, "Yes, I was, er, just looking for Professor Scamander."

Snape's permanent scowl deepens than if someone was to mention Harry Potter as Charlie mentions the young Professor, "And what would you need with her?"

"Just popping in to say hi, but I seem to be lost, do you know where her office is? Please?"

"I'm afraid I have no need to go near that zoo-like office, so I would not need to know the location-"


Charlie grins as Snape rolls his eyes and walks away, Ron appears at the end of the hall way with his two friends and Charlie practically sprints over to the trio, "Ron, I need your help."

"Need my help?"


"Why were you talking to Snape?"

"I got lost, he's still a git by the way, nothing's changed."

"Tell me about it." Ron mumbles.

"What did you need help with?" Hermione asks.

Charlie straightens himself out awkwardly, "I was looking for Ne- I mean, Professor Scamander."

Ron's eyes widen and jaw drops, "The twins were right! You do fancy her!"

Charlie smack him across the head and shushes him, "Will you shut up? I do not fancy her! I don't fancy her," He whispers harshly, "Hagrid was telling me about how she never got the chance to study dragons, I was going to show a few of them to her before we left, is all."

Ron and Harry share a side along glance and Hermione giggles, "Come on, her office is miles away from here."

The Golden Trio lead him through the many corridors and up one of the towers to where an tall stair case rests leading to her office, Charlie hurriedly thanks them and then climbs up the stairs towards the heavy door.

"Aww." Hermione coos.

"Imagine your sister-in-law being your Professor." Ron says.

He and Harry look at each other, "Wicked."

"You can't use your sister-in-law as a way to get free passes, besides, they aren't even dating yet, he just has a crush."

Ron rolls his eyes as they walk away leaving his brother to have some peace.

Charlie raises his knuckles and knocks on the large door only for it to swing open, "Be with you in a second!"

His mouth gapes at the many creatures in her room, he smiles as a Phoenix swoops in above his head, the red bird takes a place on its perch at the front the room.

He stares at the Japanese creature that glares at him through his cage, "A Kappa?" He breaths out in amazement.

Suddenly a loud crash comes from the room above the office as a Niffler runs down the stairs while stuffing a bunch of coins into his pouch, "Sirius!" A shriek comes from above.

Hurried footsteps chase after the creature as it runs towards the desk soon followed by Newt appearing in the room as she tries to corner it, "Sirius, I'm warning you, if that's some poor first year's coins, we're gonna have some trouble, but, if its Snape's, go take more."

The Niffler slowly takes out one galleon and throws it at her making her yelp before he runs off only to get scooped up by Charlie as he chuckles, "I think this belongs to you."

Newt stands in front of him glaring at Sirius as she pants heavily, "Thank you, can I help you with anything?"

"Oh," Charlie exclaims remembering why he came, "I was talking with Hagrid, and he was telling me how you was working at the Ministry for a chance to be able to study..." He trails off when he sees her expression, "Wanna see some dragons?"



Charlie leads her through the forbidden forest into a clearing that holds the four large dragons, she gasps and attempts to run forward only to get brought back by the ginger.

"Hagrid told me you'd try to do that."

She rolls her eyes but the smile never falters as she slowly walks forward, "Charlie, boy!" A man calls with his thick Russian accent as he limps over, "Who's this."

"Professor-" Charlie turns with his hand out gesturing to Newt to see she has already left and is talking with a worker near the cage of the Hungarian Horntail, "And she's gone."

His boss chuckles watching as the girl squeals in excitement as the dragon sniffs her and then blows a puff of smoke into her face, "Good girl you've got there."

"Oh no, she's not- she's my brother's Professor, she teaches Care of Magical Creatures."

Mr. Smirnov, grins patting him on the back, as one of the other workers, Aydian, walks over, "Does Charlie have a wee crush on his brother's Professor?"

Charlie elbows the Irish man and rolls his eyes before walking towards the cage holding the Swedish Short Snout, the dragon stares blankly at her, who speaks in a baby voice to her, "Are you a big mean dragon? Did you burn the nasty man? I think you did!"

"You know, usually we scold them for burning someone."

"She was just having fun, wasn't you? Yes you was!"

Charlie chuckles in amusement crossing his arms over his chest as he watches the dragon turn away from her, but she still looks in the corner of her eye trying to get more attention.

Newt pretends to be offended and slowly turns away, "Fine then, bye bye."

The dragon quickly turns back to face her and Newt smirks triumphantly, "I knew it. You like the attention, don't you?"

A hooting in the distance makes her looks up and her eyes widen at the sight of a snowy white owl quickly running towards the owl she allows Hedwig to drop the letter in her hands and perch on her shoulder, "Thank you, Charlie, really, I'll uh- see you around." She rushes out before running towards the castle.

Charlie sighs watching as she runs Hedwig now flying above her. "Scared her of already 'ave ya, Charlie?"

But Aydian never gets reply as Charlie is still gazing after the young Professor with a dazed smile, "Isn't she amazing?"

"Wow," Aydian breaths out with wide yes, "I've never seen ya like this with a woman before, Charlie."

Fire and the Flood - Charlie WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now