Chapter 5

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⭑ ⭒ ⭑ ⭒ The Secret's Out ⭑ ⭒ ⭑ ⭒

"Are you sure?" Charlie asks.

Newt nods and smiles kissing his cheek, "We have to tell them, I can't keep this a secret any longer."

Charlie nods knowing she is probably right and takes her hand leading her to the kitchen where everyone is already sitting, the Weasley's -including Bill- Harry and Hermione all sit around the kitchen table when they come in.

Charlie clears his throat, "Guys," He calls for everyone's attention, the room falls silent and the couple audibly gulp, "We-uh, have something to tell you all. Newt, go ahead."

"Me?" She hits his arm and he shrugs.

Sighing Charlie slowly wraps an arm around her waist, "We're... dating."

"We know." Everyone says at the same time.

Ginny rolls her eyes and Hermione smiles at them, the pair had figured it out ages ago, Molly hurries over hugging Newt as she pushes aside her son.

"We could've told you that ages ago." The twins say.

"W-What?" Charlie stutters out, "How did you know?"

They roll their eyes looking between them, "For starts Newt snogged you in front of the whole school last year-"

"And you aren't exactly quiet when you-" Charlie throws a piece of bread at Fred shutting him up instantly.

"Oh, this is amazing, welcome to the family, dear, oh, Charlie, why didn't you tell me?" Molly asks looking between them.

"You already knew, Mum." Ron says raising a brow, "Just yesterday you were betting Dad that-"

"Oh, shush, Ronald." Molly says hitting his head with the newspaper from the table.

"How long?" Bill asks with a smirk as he winks at his little brother.

"A year... last month."

This is what takes everyone by shock as they thought it had only been after that kiss in December at the school, "What?" Molly shrieks.

Arthur looks up as he had been fiddling with a fuse and not really paying any attention, "A year?" Hermione and Ginny exclaim at the same time, "How did you keep that a secret for so log."

Suddenly Harry looks up, eyes wide, "That day when you visited, it wasn't Order business."

"You visited the school and didn't tell us?" Fred and George say in mock offence.

After everyone calmed down, Arthur sat reading the newspaper, the twins had left to get back to the shop, Bill sat with Arthur reading the Daily Prophet and talking work problems, Hermione quietly read as she sat between Ron and Harry who are playing a game of Wizard's chest and Newt is helping Ginny with her Transfiguration homework.

Charlie sits at the kitchen table, his paperwork he brought from Romani in front of him, but his soft gaze on his girlfriend.


He could finally call her that, out loud, in front of others.

Molly smiles at her son watching as he admires the girl, "Oh, Charlie." She says sighing in content and shaking her head as she rests her hands on her hips.

"What?" Charlie says jumping in his seat at the sound of his mother's voice which disrupted his day dream.

"I've never seen you like this since you first read that stupid Dragons book."

"Like what?"

"In love, dear."

Charlie stutters for a moment and she rolls her eyes.

"You're in love, dear, I can see it in your eyes."

Fire and the Flood - Charlie WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now