Chapter 2

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⭑ ⭒ ⭑ ⭒ Midnight Meetings ⭑ ⭒ ⭑ ⭒

Cup of tea in hand and note book open in front of her Newt tries her best not to fall asleep at the kitchen table. The stars illuminate the space and the slow drip of the faulty tap can be heard.

Soft footsteps behind her indicate someone is entering the kitchen, casting a quick look over her shoulder she sighs when one of the red heads enter.

"Can't sleep?"

"What do you want, Charlie?"

He sits a few chairs up from her leaving a little gap and lazily flicks his wand for a cup of tea to appear in front of him and for Newt's to get refilled. "What are you writing?"

She sighs knowing he was going to turn around her question, "Work." She says simply and goes back to colouring in her detailed image of her Niffler, Sirius, who sleeps peacefully in the middle of the table.

"How are you?"



"Bloody hell, I'm splendid, Charlie, I'm feeling magnificent. Is that what you want to hear?"

He casts his gaze down and slowly sips from his mug of tea, "I'm good." He says quietly placing the cup on the table, she looks up glaring at him and shooting him an annoyed look.

One question gnaws at her brain the entire time they sit there in silence, "Why didn't you say goodbye?" She asks, Charlie jumps not expecting her to talk, spilling his tea over his hands and hissing a string of curses from the heat.

"I thought we were getting somewhere," She continues, "Went on a few dates, spent-"

"It wouldn't have worked out," He cuts her off, "I live in Romania-"

"You're here now-"

"-And you live here. We-We would've fought and the distance would've torn us apart, we would never have been able to make it work. You have your life here, you-you do good and my siblings love you as your teacher, you couldn't possibly leave and you know I can't leave Romania either."

She sighs, "Charlie, we could try, if we put in effort..."

"And you're a lovely girl, you're beautiful and smart, funny... you deserve someone better, someone who can give you a better life, a family-"

"I don't want or need a family right now, Charlie, we're too young to think about that."

He sighs running a hand through his hair, she reaches for his other hand that is placed on the table but he stands bringing it away from her, "Listen, Newt, you deserve someone who can give you the world-"

"You can't sit here and tell me you didn't feel anything, Charlie." She says now standing to match his stance, "If you did, I'll walk away, I'll walk away right now and leave you alone."

Of course he felt something, but he lives in Romania, and she lives here in the UK, he can't say yes and then expect her to move away and she can't expect him to move here either. It would never work, long distant relationships.

She deserves more, someone who can be there all of the time, someone who will make her happier and take her on adventures, someone who can protect her.

"I didn't." He says unconvincingly, making her raise a brow.

She steps closer her arms crossed, "Look me in the eye, Charles Weasley, look me in the eye and tell me you felt nothing."

He looks up, opening and closing his mouth like a fish out of water.

She steps closer again but this time he doesn't step back, stepping closer so they're chest to chest she stands up on her tip-toes, leaning in to place her lips on his.

Her hands stay loosely at her side and her eyes close tightly, just as she feels Carlie begin to kiss back she pulls away.

Her minty breath fans across his lips as she whispers, "Don't lie to yourself, Charlie."

Fire and the Flood - Charlie WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now