Chapter 13

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⭑ ⭒ ⭑ ⭒ Awake ⭑ ⭒ ⭑ ⭒

A groan makes Charlie's head snap upwards, next the squeezing of his hand makes him sit up and the flutter of Newt's eyes opening makes him smile.

"Oh, thank Godric." He mutters breathing out a sigh of relief.

Newt's eyes look over to Charlie squinting in the bright light, "Charlie?"

"I'm here, darlin'." He says quietly brushing the hair from her face and leaning against his bed.

Yesterday morning Remus had helped Charlie take the girl upstairs to his room for her to have a comfier spot.

He rests his forehead against hers closing his eyes, "How are you feeling?"

"What happened?"

"Greyback, hey-" He exclaims as she tries to lift herself up, "Take it easy, you lost a lot of blood, I thought-"

He runs a hand through his hair casting his gaze to his shoes, "I should've been there with you, what if I lost you? What if I-"

"You didn't," She says softly, hiding her wince as she sits up to grab his hand, "I'm still here."

She reaches up pushing his hair away from his eyes allowing his hazel ones to meet hers. He grabs her hand placing a kiss on the back of it, "Please, don't ever leave me, promise me."

"Charlie-" She sighs knowing she can't promise it, not now, not during the upcoming war.

"Not by choice," He adds knowing that with the war lurking around the corner they can't promise each other anything, "Never leave me, Newt Scamander, never."

She sighs, slowly leaning forward they rest foreheads against each other, breathes mixing together as they hold each other.

"Wouldn't dream of it, Charlie Weasley."


"You know I'm okay, right?" Newt asks as she closes her trunk looking over her shoulder at her boyfriend and grandfather who are looking at each other with raised brows.

"We just want to help you unpack."

She crosses her arms over her chest and looks at them with a look that says she doesn't believe them what so ever, "I unpacked everything myself, you two sat there and argued over what the best dragon is."

"Hebridean Black."

"Common Welsh Green."

They answer at the same time, "Remember when you brought a Ukrainian Ironbelly home and Granny went nuts?" Newt chuckles at the memory and her grandfather winces remembering the furious look on his wife's face.

"I have a class today, you both realise you can't sit around all day."

They both sigh and she shakes her head, "You can stay here, but don't disturb the class."

They both nod as she walks out setting up her classroom. It's her last lesson of the day and she's been taking it easy, mostly doing revision lessons or using an animal that isn't too big so she can easily handle them.

"Right, if you turn to page-"

"Hold on, hold on, hold on-" She hears from upstairs making her sigh and close her eyes briefly.

"-The Common Welsh Green is-"

"One of the most beautiful dragons there is." She hears her grandfather cut Charlie off.

"I'm not denying that, I'm just saying that the Hebridean Black is stronger, faster, it has purple eyes for Godric's sake!"

Sighing and sharing a look with the pink faced Ron she rubs her temple, "Therefore, the Hebridean Black is the better species."

"Get Sparrow up here," Newt says not wanting to lose to his granddaughter's boyfriend, "I bet she'll agree with me."

"Who do you agree with?" Dean asks.

Sighing Newt shakes her head, "Neither, by favourite is the Ukrainian Ironbelly."

"No, she'll side with me, I'm the Dragonologist here, I think I'm in the right."

"I'm the Magizoologist, the one who has sold millions of copies, I'm pretty sure I'm in the right."

"You're very confident in your wrongness for a Hufflepuff."

"You're very Gryffindor-like-"

"Aren't you going to stop them?"

Newt shrugs slightly looking towards the closed door as she debates on if she should go up there or not, "Nah," She shrugs, "They'll work it out."

Fire and the Flood - Charlie WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now