Chapter 4

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⭑ ⭒ Arguments and Realisations ⭑ ⭒

Newt walks down the stairs letting out a surprised yelp when she hits into someone causing her to fall back against the floor, "Merlin, I'm sorry, are you okay?"

She follows the hand outstretched before her to find Charlie looking down at her, hazel eyes full of worry, "Fine... thanks."

She accepts his hand and dusts herself off, "I thought I was the only one home."

"Nope," He says following her into the kitchen, "Just me and you, alone, in this very big house."

She raises her brows slightly, "Great." She says sarcastically.

"I'm that bad?"

She shrugs pretending to think as she pours herself a cup of tea, "Yes, Charles, yes you are."

"I am?" He scoffs leaning against the kitchen table, his eyes following her movements, "At least I don't mess round with other people's feelings."

Now it's her turns to scoff, turning towards him so fast that he flinches she settles a scowl on her face, "I mess with other people's feelings?"

"Yes," He nods standing up straight, "You kiss me and then ignore acting as if it didn't happen-"

"You're one to talk, Weasley, taking me on dates and then leaving as if it meant nothing."

She stands in front of him her head held high, "We've talked about this."

"What if I'm not done talking yet?"

"You're never done talking, yada, yada, yada..."

"Oh, I'm Charlie Weasley, Quidditch, dragons, grass..." She says in a deep voice.

Charlie sends a glare her way, "I don't sound like that."

"Ha, ha, ha, mountain ranges, Butterbeer, masculinity."

Putting on the best Newt voice he can he mocks her back, "I prefer a Niffler over people, that way they can steal for me, oh no my Hippogriff is running out of people to attack."

"God, you're so-"

"So what, Scamander, please enlighten me."


His mouth falls open and he lets out a laugh, "Insufferable?"

"Yes," She nods poking him in the chest, "Insufferable," She says again more confidently this time, "And incredibly annoying, you're a jerk and a... a dick head, you always think you're right, when you never are-"

"And you're a big headed know it all who likes to watch the hope die in people's eyes."

"Yes, I do actually, it is quite enjoyable. At least I go out there in the world and travel to see things other than dragons."

He rolls his eyes, "At least I have friends that aren't creatures." He bites back.

Suddenly the pair realise they're just arguing for the sake of it, there's no real context behind their loud voices anymore.

Newt stares at him, her gaze fiery and her finger still poking at his chest while he looks down at her, his breathing rapid and uneven as he clenches his jaw.

"Salazar Slytherin, w-"

She's cut off as he grabs her waist pulling her to him and capturing her lips with his own.

They stumble back from the force hitting into the counter and knocking several cups from the top as they both try to steady themselves.

Her lips taste the same as last time, cherry with the hint of mint, their noses hit together and their teeth clash as they hold onto each other.

Newt pulls at the red hair on the back of his neck making Charlie groan into her mouth as he cups her jaw and pulls her closer by the back of her neck.

He lifts her up onto the counter and stands between her legs as she hooks her ankles around his back pulling him closer as both of her hands now find place in his curly hair.

His hand that holds her jaw wanders down her body as if he's trying to memorise every curve of her body, trying to imprint the shape into his mind.

Finally stopping in one place his hand squeezes her hip causing her to moan, the sound making Charlie weak in the knees as he steadies himself against the countertop.

He moves his head trailing kisses down her jawline, she angles her head away from him giving him a better access to her neck as he leaves open mouthed kisses across her skin.


The pair jump apart at the sound of Ron's voice calling from somewhere in the house, eyes wide and breathing heavy they step away from each other.

Clearing her throat Newt grabs the tea cup she had come into the kitchen for and quickly sits at the table taking out her book to look as if she had been there for hours while Charlie rushes to make it look like he is washing dishes.

"Charlie, dear, why don't you just use magic?" Molly asks as she walks in flicking her wand for the dishes to begin magically cleaning themselves.

Soon the youngest red head bounds into the room wrapping her arm around Charlie, she is then followed by Ron and the twins.

"Hey, Professor." Ron greets making her smile up at him.

"We're not in school, Ron, call me Newt."

He nods, his cheeks turning a slight pink as she gives another smile before gathering her things, "I'll be upstairs, Molly." Although she is saying it to Mrs. Weasley her eyes are connected to a pair of hazel ones across the room, and that small smile grows just a little when she gets a nod.

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