Chapter 11

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⭑ ⭒ ⭑ ⭒ An Old Friend ⭑ ⭒ ⭑ ⭒

Continuing on her journey Newt walks out of the castle and towards Hogsmede her note book now replaced with Draco's new essay.

"Wahtcha got there?"

She jumps not realising anyone else was around when she entered the almost deserted place, "Uncle Siri, you scared me."

Sirius grins and her eyes widen, she grabs him by the arm dragging him into an alley way away from any prying eyes, "What are you doing here? What if you get caught?"

"I won't," He shrugs leaning against the wall and looking over at his niece, "How are you?"

She sighs putting away the parchment, "I finally left the Ministry, thank Salazar."

Sirius grins and looks at the girl in front of him that reminds him so much of his older sister.

Aquila Elladora Black was the older sister of Sirius by five years. She was sorted into Slytherin but got disowned when she left school as she ran away to be with Gideon Scamander, the pair had a daughter not long after leaving school and getting married.

Named after Gideon's father they welcomed Newton Sparrow Scamander to the world on 21st October 1974. Aquila kept in touch with her two brothers, but the same can't be said for Gideon who had fallen out with his older brother Galton and lost touch after moving to Scotland.

The couple had been found by a group of Death Eaters that consisted of Bellatrix Lestrange, Aquila's cousin, using the last bit of energy they had they sent away their daughter for protection to Regulus and Sirius who at the time was at the Potter's.

The Potters not only took in Sirius but the small child too, when Sirius moved out he took her in and raised her until she was seven years old, then one regretful night he went out and got himself locked up in Azkaban.

The seven year old Newt was taken in by her Grandparents, Newt and Tina Scamander where they raised her for most of her life. They didn't care what falling out their sons had and they didn't care that Galton advised against taking her in. They didn't even care when she was sorted into Slytherin, they loved their granddaughter with all their heart. Even when they found out she got herself expelled during her sixth year.

The girl looks like her grandfather more than anyone, the same messy reddy-brown hair and the same freckled cheeks, despite being in Slytherin she has the same kind aura-only when it comes to animals. But when he looks up to meet her green eyes all he sees is his big sister.

His big sister who accepted him when he was sorted into Gryffindor, his big sister who stuck up for him against his family, his big sister who wasn't afraid to speak out on her views of the world, his big sister who he didn't visit the day she had been murdered because he decided to hang out with his friends instead.

The day still haunts Sirius now, he can remember it clearly.

"Sirius!" Mrs. Potter had called up the stairs for him, he got up jogging lightly down the bottom of the stairs where she waited, "Aren't you supposed to be visiting your sister today, dear?"

He shook his head glancing up the stars to where his three friends were waiting, "I'm going to owl her later, I'll go see her tomorrow, I think Reggie is going today."

She nodded sending him off where he laughed and joked with his friends for the next few hours before a frantic Fleamont ran into the room, "Sirius," He said breathlessly, "Your brother, he's down stairs and-"

"What is it?"

The four boys shared a look following the older man down the stars to where Regulus stood in his dress robes likely having just been in an important meeting with his family, but what he held in his arms is what confused them.

Asleep in his arm, small hands holding tightly onto the back of his neck was Newt with a knitted blanket wrapped tightly around her small body, her hair was a mess and there was dirt all over her.

Regulus looked up at Sirius, his eyes glossy and cheeks red as he muttered two words that broke the older brother, "Aquila's dead."

"You're thinking about it again."

Sirius is snapped from his memories and looks up at her as she leans on the wall opposite him, "It's not your fault, how could you have known-"

"Maybe if I was there they'd still be here, you'd have a family."

"I do have a family, you, grandpa, granny, Rolf has talked to me a few times despite his father telling him not to." She smiles at the thought of her younger cousin in Hufflepuff.

The sound of voices beginning to fill the air alerts them, giving each other one last quick hug Sirius pulls back placing a kiss on her forehead before transforming into a black dog, the pair leave side by side and no one spares a glance at the Professor.

She grins and turns to him patting him on the head, "Goodbye, Cupcake."

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