Chapter 6

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⭑ ⭒ ⭑ ⭒ Salamander Eyes ⭑ ⭒ ⭑ ⭒

With a book held out in front of her, Newt walks forward through the house. She mutters research under her breath shaking her head as she feels her baby Niffler pulling at the hair in her head.

"Not now, Skye." She mumbles to the creature.

Landing on two feet at the bottom of the stairs she walks towards the kitchen only to hit into a hard chest, her book flies up into her face making her stumble back.

"Scamander." Came the drawl of her old Potions Professor.

She rolls her eyes and lowers her book, "Snape."

She watches him walk down the corridor towards the door with a scowl, "Git."

Returning to her research she walks into the room, lifting her book just as one of the twins runs past followed by the other, "Sorry!" They call as they run towards their seats.

Mumbling something under her breath she sits at the table placing her book in front of her, "Scamander!"

"Moody!" She mocks without looking up.

"What have I said about putting that blasted book on the table?"


She lifts the book from the table and leans back in the chair, "Scamander!"

"It's not on the table." She defends flicking the page.

Mad-Eye rolls his eyes giving up already as he leans back against the wall, "Newt?"

She hums in acknowledgment, "What's that in your hair?"

"That, Fred, would be a Niffler." She says still not taking her gaze away from the pages.

George nods slowly and shares a look with his twin, while Hermione and Harry stare at the creature, "Why's it up there?"

"She likes being in tall places."

"You're not very tall, are you." Remus jokes.

She glances up quickly before looking back down, "I'd give her to you, Remus, but you're like a bloody tree, I can't reach."

Sirius snorts receiving a glare, "Oh, Harry, Hermione, this is my niece, Newt."

She offers a little wave not even bothering to introduce herself. "They know, Siri, I was their Professor last year."

"Scamander, get your nose out of that stupid book."

"One," She says looking over at Moody, "It's a research book, and not stupid, two, my nose is not in the book, my nose is right where it's supposed to be, on my face."

Ron sighs, "My brother's in love with her, imagine that."

Newt rolls her eyes, "He's not in love with me, just because we're friends."

"You should hear him when he comes home, 'Oh, Newt is so pretty.'" Fred mocks.

George nods smiling dramatically, "I wish she'd look at me like she looks at that Giant Plague Rat."

"Oh, Newt, her eyes shine like Salamander eyes."

"And she stole my heart like a Niffler stole a sack of galleons." Sirius joins in.

Everyone chuckles, Arthur included, "Oh, Fred, do the dragon one!"

"Enough!" Molly scolds walking in with plates trailing behind her, "Who Charlie chooses to love is none of our business, I'd be glad to have you in the family, dear."

"Thanks, Molly, but don't get your hopes up, won't be in the family any time soon." Newt sips at the drink in front of her trying to will away the blush and sound as convincing as possible.

The very detailed letter she had received from Charlie just last night is still imprinted in her brain making it very hard not to break out into a grin in front of everyone.

Fire and the Flood - Charlie WeasleyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon