Chapter 2

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⭑ ⭒ ⭑ ⭒ Talks ⭑ ⭒ ⭑ ⭒

Opening the door to the small cabin in Romania she sighs and calls out for Charlie, his name echoes through the quietness disturbing the peace.

"In here."

His face brightens when he sees her and he sits up walking over to meet her, she feels the tension leave her as his lips meet hers, her worries fall away but the one problem still gnaws at the back of her brain.

"Charlie." She says quietly stepping back, "We need to talk."

"What about?"

He asks, worry laced in his voice as she squeezes his hand, "Harry moved in yesterday," She says and he smiles at the happiness in her eyes, "He's going to be off to Hogwarts in a month or so."

"Newt," He says softly cupping her face, "What's going on?"

"Dumbledore offered me my job back."

"And? This is amazing news!"

"I know, that's not what I'm here about."

His eyes scan across her face and he grabs both of her hands, "Tell me."

"What is this?" She asks taking him by surprise.


She sighs running a hand through her hair, "This, Charlie, us. I-I don't know if I can keep us from everyone for much longer, are you ashamed of us, of me?"

"No," He says quickly shaking his head, "No, of course not it's just-"

"Just what?"

He sighs turning his body to face her, "Charlie," She says before he can say anything , "I'm tired of this, of sneaking around, making sure no one will see us, I just want everyone to know, I don't care what they think."

"It's not that, Newt, believe me, you're the best thing that has ever happened to me." He promises cupping her face and forcing her to look at him, "But you know what my Mum is like, I just-"

"Do you know what the last thing Siri said to me is?"

Her hands play with her jacket as she thinks back to the last moments she shared with her Uncle, "It was a few weeks before he..." She stops clearing her throat, "We were talking about us, me and you."

"He said, 'If you love someone, no matter how crazy, stupid, or different they are, if you truly love them, you shouldn't hide your relationship from anyone'," She looks up again, his hand still resting on her face, "I don't want to hide, Charlie."

"Then we won't," He rests his forehead against hers and rubs his thumb back and forth, "Next time I visit, we tell them."

She raises her pinkie finger and he links his with hers, "I promise."

Raising their linked fingers to his mouth he kisses her hand, "I'll never leave you, Newt Scamander, you're stuck with me, forever."

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