Chapter 8

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⭑ ⭒ ⭑ ⭒ McGonagall's Warning ⭑ ⭒ ⭑ ⭒

Newt sighs as she puts away the homework from her last class, "Hello, love."

A pair of arms wrap around her waist and she lets out a loud yell elbowing them, "Merlin, Charlie, you scared me!"

He groans holding his nose and her eyes widen, "Charlie!"

She jumps up wrapping her arms around his neck and legs around his waist causing him to stumble back into one of the desks.

He chuckles kissing her back as she drops to the floor standing on her tip toes to reach him, she pushes him against the desk as his arms wrap around her waist, "I missed you."

"I have three hours before I'm needed back at the Sanctuary."

"Plenty of time." She breaths against his lips as she grabs his jacket and pulls his lips back down to meet hers.

There's a knock on the door making them both break apart quickly, slowly the door opens and Newt hops on top of her desk grabbing the few pieces of homework as Charlie casually leans against the desk behind him.


"Harry? What can I do for you?"

She gets up clearing her throat and smiling at the boy who raises a brow at her flustered state, "I was juts, bringing in my homework, you said I could have an extra day, you know, because of the detention."

"Oh, right yes, of course, you know, Charlie, right?"

Harry nods and Charlie gives him a dip of the head in greeting, "Nice to see you again, Harry."

"You too, Charlie."

"Merlin's beard, Harry!" Newt exclaims grabbing his hand, "What happened?"

"It's nothing."

She grabs his hand leading him to one of the large vintage cupboards at the end of her room, "It's not nothing, at all, Harry, was this what that horrible pink toad faced bloody-"

"Newt." Charlie says highly amused.

"Did Umbridge do this to you?"

He nods, his head down as to avoid her gaze, pointing to her desk chair she huffs, "Sit, I'll sort this out for you."

Harry nods and sits in the chair, his gaze flickers over to Charlie who is standing the other side of her desk looking through a book, "Do the others know you're here?"

Charlie looks up and shakes his head, "Oh, uh- Order business, no one is supposed to know I'm here... besides the Order."

Harry nods, the oblivious boy takes the bait not paying any attention to the three undone buttons on Charlie's shirt, or the even messier than usual hair of his teacher.

"Here you go, Harry." She says walking back over and kneeling in front of him, "I use this when I get bitten by the Kelpie, helps relieve the pain, apply it three times a day and you should be fine."

He smiles up at her excepting the small tub, "Thank you, Newt."

"No problem." She ruffles his hair as he passes and Charlie smiles at her wrapping an arm around her waist.

He leans in close to her, his breath fanning across her face, "Should we take this upstairs?"



Newt's lip curls in disgust as Umbridge passes by her, the woman has been out to get her since she laid eyes on her.

"Scamander," She turns to see McGonagall walking towards her, "Be careful."


Minerva sighs making sure no one is around before gently grabbing her elbow and taking her into the empty classroom, "Dolores is out to get you," She says, "She doesn't like the fact that you didn't finish school, or the fact that you go against her rules."

"Her rules are stupid, I'm teaching how I want to teach."

"And right you should," McGonagall says proudly with a small smile, "But she has the Minister on her side, she's been boasting about her new position."

Newt sighs and runs a hand through her hair shaking her head, "If she fires me I guess I'll go back home to Siri or something." She shrugs.

McGonagall sighs again, "Just be careful, Scamander, you're one of the best things that has happened to these kids."

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