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    Subject No. 157 was being checked by several researchers.

    The mouth was opened by a gloved hand, revealing two rows of densely packed shark teeth that belied the soft and harmless shape.

    It felt strange to be forced to open his mouth, and 157 couldn't help but want to close his mouth. It lowered its eyes slightly, looking at the hand that was close at hand.

    It's not mother... 157, with pantothenic cheeks, sneaked a glance to the side, and began to quietly try to close his open mouth. It doesn't matter if it is injured, anyway, it can quickly heal the wound with its own mucus .

    Alyssa on the side saw that it was inconvenient for Luo Er to hold 157's mouth with one hand, so she took the initiative to extend a hand for him: "Let me do it."

    Luo Er let go of his hand, feeling 157's soft body It seemed to freeze for a moment.

    He shook the flashlight into 157's mouth, and touched 157's teeth with the other hand through the glove. The light of the flashlight accidentally dazzled 157's eyes when he approached.

    157 was stimulated by the sudden light and blinked his eyes a few times. The tentacles under his body shook in a panic, and his body retreated instinctively. In the panic, the tool in his hand accidentally scratched the skin in 157's mouth.

    Alyssa looked at Lore's fingers still in 157's mouth, and raised her voice to remind: "Lol, your hand..."

    This time together is enough for Alyssa to understand 157, this is a dog that is very afraid of pain experimental body. It is born with a mucus with great healing power, and it has an equally powerful self-healing ability, and it is accompanied by an abnormal sensitivity to pain.

    For the same wound, the pain it feels is at least ten times that of humans.

    At that moment, Alyssa saw 157's tentacles curled up because of the pain and then quickly let go, but unexpectedly, it still kept its mouth open, and did not bite Lol and Ai Li who had not had time to withdraw her hand Sarah.

    "This is really surprising." Lore sighed to Alisa after withdrawing his hand, "We have never seen such a docile experimental subject in our laboratory." He recorded the inspection

    results in his notebook: "Everything is developing. Good..."

    He paused when he said this, and asked Alisa who had the most contact with 157: "Have you heard it make a sound?"

    Alisa shook her head: "It is very lively, but it is also very quiet."

    "It's so strange..." Lore shook his head, "Many experimental subjects in the laboratory have developed complete vocal cords, but they have never heard them make a sound." After chanting, he took out a needle

    : "Alyssa, can you hold it down for me? I need to draw some blood."

    He looked at the experimental subject who wrapped its tentacles around Alyssa's leg after the blood was drawn: "After the inspection is over, if 157's physical condition meets the requirements, Then you can prepare for the first experiment."


    contact day is coming soon.

    The researchers on duty pushed the trolley forward, and after feeding each experimental subject, they also walked to the end of the corridor.

    He stopped at the door, subconsciously glanced back, and met the eyes of a few experimental subjects who hadn't had time to look back.

    "What are they looking at?" A researcher asked his colleagues around him suspiciously.

    "I don't know, many of the behaviors of the experimental subjects have no reason." The other person shook his head and said jokingly, "If they can talk, you can ask them." He took a few steps forward,

    stood In the sensing area of ​​the gate, I turned my head and looked at the people next to me: "Don't think about what's there and what's gone, every time it's about to happen, why don't you go to the contact room early." The small red light flickered a few times

    , Then a mechanical sound from the tablet sounded: "Please enter the voice password."


    "The password is correct."

    The mechanical sound paused for a second, then continued: "Please enter your job number."


    "The job number is correct, please perform iris verification."

    "Verification passed."


    After both researchers left, the door closed again .

    "Do you all remember?" 35 didn't care about the half-eaten dinner he ate, and asked other experimental subjects in the third district.

    "I remember."

    "I remember too." The voice of the experimental subject sounded from all directions.

    "Then who will answer the door after going out?"

    "77, he can go out by himself." 133 continued to add, "And he looks the most like 'Mom'."


    off in the laboratory at eight o'clock.

    After the lights were turned off and the surroundings were plunged into darkness, the experimental subjects with sensitive ears gave full play to their advantages and listened carefully to the movement outside.

    After the farthest sound they could hear disappeared, one of the test subjects stood up straight: "'Mom' is gone."

    No. 93 was the first to break the glass in front of it.

    Following his movements, other experimental subjects also began to smash the glass in front of them, and soon dozens of experimental subjects crowded the corridor.

    As usual, 76 swept aside the glass shards nearby with his tail, and then slid to 77's side.

    "I left you a candy last time." 76 spread out his palm, and a candy that had become soft and no longer kept its original shape appeared in the palm of his hand.

    "Look, it hasn't melted yet." The two human-snakes got very close together, and looked down at the unremarkable candy in 76's hand. Surrounded by dozens of experimental subjects, they moved a little bit. None conspicuous.

    76 opened one of 77's hands, and then put the candy on his hand. He pressed against     77's forehead and said triumphantly, "Now, it's yours." Face to face, 76 remembered what Vincent and Lore did in the corridor of the third district last time.

    He imitated what Luo Er said at the time: "76, I also want a kiss, just touch it lightly."

    77 finally realized the feeling of kissing as he wished, soft, slightly cool skin, and The sharp teeth facing each other, and the pain when the lips are cut when touched.

Specimen 77Where stories live. Discover now