Chapter 27

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When Lu Lingxi arrived home in the evening, he smelled a gorgeous fragrance from a distance. It smelled like tomatoes and like a rich sauce. The aroma filled the whole building, and before Lu Lingxi could do anything about it, Dahei was already dripping saliva remorselessly.

"Little foodie."

Lu Lingxi flicked his finger on Dahei's head, his tone intimate. He still remembered when he first met Dahei, Dahei didn't even dare to eat a full meal, for fear that eating too much would make people dislike him and abandon him. In just a few days, Dahei had revealed his nature as a foodie, and almost half of the tomatoes ripening in the backyard ended up in Dahei's stomach. Even he, Wang Shuxiu and Yi Hang couldn't outeat Dahei.

After talking to Dahei, Lu Lingxi was about to look for the key when the door opened from the inside and Wang Shuxiu looked at him strangely, "Why are you back so early today?"

"I had to close the shop early because of something," Lu Lingxi said obediently.

Wang Shuxiu left the door open and looked at Lu Lingxi who squatted at the door to wipe Dahei's paws. The corners of her mouth twitched and she ordered, "You're back just in time, I made some tomato sauce. You can pick some tomatoes later and take them and some sauce to Yi Hang and his family."

Yi Hang and Lu Lingxi were good friends, and Lu Lingxi found a job thanks to Yi Hang. Wang Shuxiu saw that Yi Hang liked tomatoes, so when she made tomato sauce, she didn't forget him.

Lu Lingxi nodded, washed his hands and didn't go to Yi Hang's house but squeezed to Wang Shuxiu's side.

Wang Shuxiu was in the kitchen watching the tomato sauce boil. Juicy tomatoes were boiled with soy sauce, plus some ground meat, salt, glutamate and other seasonings. The whole kitchen was shrouded in a peculiar aroma, much stronger compared to the fragrance in the building.

Dahei squatted in the kitchen doorway, his eyes glowing as he gazed at the thick sauce in the pot.

Wang Shuxiu glared at him in amusement and hurried Lu Lingxi out of the kitchen. "Go, go, what are you doing here, it's hot here. Hurry up and take Dahei out." The kitchen of the old house was small and there was no air conditioner, so Wang Shuxiu was already hot and sweaty. Now there was another person and a dog in the kitchen, and they were all crowding around her, so Wang Shuxiu felt like she was about to die of heat.

Lu Lingxi didn't leave, but took a stack of newspapers and dutifully fanned Wang Shuxiu. As he did so, he said, "Mom, I have something to tell you."

"What?" Wang Shuxiu said casually, not caring much.

Lu Lingxi deliberated and said, "You know the gardening shop where I work, right? The shop owner, Sister Du, is going back to her hometown, and I..."

Before he could finish, Wang Shuxiu interjected quickly, "Is it that you don't have a job anymore? It's okay, Mom will support you."

Lu Lingxi's heart felt warm; the corners of his mouth curled up unconsciously. He clung to Wang Shuxiu's arm affectionately, shook his head and whispered, "I'm taking over the shop."

"What?" Lu Lingxi's words were tantamount to a bomb. Wang Shuxiu's voice rose and she eyed him suspiciously, "Where did you get the money?" The little bastard didn't do anything bad, did he? Wang Shuxiu muttered in her heart.

It would be complicated to talk about this matter clearly, and if one really wanted to look into it, one had to start with Lu Yishui. Lu Lingxi was not stupid and didn't want Wang Shuxiu to worry, so he skipped over the previous events and started with the sale of the spring orchid this morning. However, he didn't dare to say that he sold it for 300,000, but only that he sold it for 100,000 and bought the shop together with another person, the two of them being in half-and-half partnership.

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