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2 week later

Felix actually enjoyed what he had with Minho, but he always had thoughts of what Lee know did to him in High school.

He never had Chan off his mind. Constant thoughts hit him hard in the face about the past with Minho and about Chan. He feels guilt betraying Chan but he couldn't help himself for some reason.

Minho was such a good guy but he was aggressive, one of Felix's favorite parts of Minho was the aggressive sex, besides of course Minhos kindness that was his second favorites. There's times felix would wake up to amazing and gentle to sudden aggressive sex then there was nights he'd receive heated make outs and very aggressive messy sex. As in messy i mean cum spilled everywhere, saliva on the pillows and sheets, some sex toys laying around, puffy lips and faces, bruised up necks, and let's say one time they found a pillow tore open and the fluff everywhere, yeah.. just in two weeks of being together.

Minho though loved to make Felix feel the relationship wasn't just sex with picnics, restaurants, clubs, and more places he could state he takes Felix. Felix and his favorite is hiking in the morning to get a good view of the sunrise.


Felix had gotten dressed for his work at the bar and grabbed his bag, "im leaving!" He shouted out waiting for his boyfriend to run up to him, but nope. "If you didn't hear me, I'm leaving!!" He shouted a little louder. He sighed as his boyfriend didn't show up again leaving to the back room of the apartment, seeing his boyfriend with headphones in. Felix approached him and pulled his headphones out of his ears, "im leaving." Minho looked at him and nodded, Felix froze at the silent nod. "I'm leaving." Felix turned and walked down the hall, leaving the apartment in complete disbelief of Minho not saying a fucking word to him.

"What an asshole.." Felix got in his car starting it, he turned on some music and put it on full volume seeing minho speed walking out of the apartment. Felix scoffed before driving off quickly and leaving to work.

Minho placed his hands on his head and sighed loudly, "fuck.. I made him mad.." minho went inside getting ready to set a nice dinner up for him and Felix and set the room up for a sexy night.

Felix was serving another beer to the guy that has been here since the bar opened, "I can't give you anymore sir I'm sorry.. this is your last one." The guy stood up, "I don't care how drunk I get, I want more beer after this one." Felix shook his head, "no I'm sorry it's against the club rules to let anyone leave with them being unable to walk," the guy leaned in closer, "yeah well if you don't give me another beer and don't shut that slutty fucking mouth of yours I'll make sure you can't walk fucking slut." Felix stood in shock but nodded slowly backing away and approached another costumer who had just sat down, "what can I ge-" felix froze seeing Hyunjin. "I'll get you someone who is available to take your order.." felix walked away and had gotten another bartender for Hyunjin. He felt his eyes filled with tears suddenly, he grabbed a shot glass and poured him some alcohol, shooting it down and breathing heavily.

Felix had done that a couple times until he began getting drunk, Felix hadn't had a good day and Hyunjin showing to the club wasn't making it any better. Felix exited from behind the bar to try and get things off his mind, he entered the dance floor and started slowly on dancing then matched his legs and hip movement with the song. He made the face expressions to suit the song and then began letting his body dance along with the rhythm of the song. Suddenly the lights went out for the nightly dark dance, it's where the lights go out and you dance with someone random. As Felix was ready to get off the stage at that moment someone grabbed him and pushed their crotch against Felix's ass, Felix gasped and tried pulling their hands off from around him and they began slowly making Felix hips move with theirs.

Felix felt just by the persons bulge digging into his ass it was a guy, Felix grabbed onto the guys hand which had a few rings on them, he turned was turned face to face, still unable to see the guy he felt the guys face which felt perfect. 

Felix was gently pinned to the wall and felt a hand softly stroke his face, "I hope you don't mind the slightest bit of kissing love, just enough to satisfy me a bit." Felix didn't want to he really didn't because he was happy with his current boyfriend. "I have a boyfriend im sorry.." Felix said rubbing by the tall figure and heading towards the bar to end his shift. The guy followed after him, "wait just a 30 second make out at least?" Felix rolled his eyes, "im not cheating on my boyfriend with someone I can't see,even if I could see you I still wouldn't.." Felix walked away once again but was followed by him. "20 seconds..?" Felix sighed in annoyance, "no." The tall figure hummed slightly coming behind Felix and wrapping his arms around Felix's waist, "15 seconds hm?" Felix had chills when the guys voice got raspy and deeper, a pair of lips touched his neck, he panicked again. "No!" Felix slightly yelled pushing him but failed with the lack of strength because of the position.

The tall figure pushed Felix into a seat at the bar smashing his lips onto Felix's.

Felix panicked more and more each touch, "아기?" A familiar voice said, just as the lights came on and he looked over to see Minho, he looked up and saw Hyunjin standing in front of him. "M-Minho no it's not what it looks like, what the fuck is your problem?! Why won't you leave me alone!?" Felix pushed Hyunjin away and saw Minho storm out, he ran after him and grabbed his hand. "No Felix! What the fuck did I just see?!" Felix flinched and started tearing up, "baby.. please" Minho pushed felix hard enough to knock him on the ground.

Minho stormed away and into his car, driving away. He let his speed get uncontrollable.

Minho teared up and didnt notice how fast he was going, he suddenly thought about how hyunjin has always talked about felix in nasty ways then about how he had raped felix, it clicked that hyunjin had attempted to harm felix again. He brought his mind back to reality and looked up, seeing a car coming at him, suddenly he was hit and things went black.

the last thing on his mind before he thought about how he fucked up

'i took it too far, felix forgive me'


once again i cried writing another chapter of my book.. what the fuck.

I hope you enjoyed because this book is going downhill meaning the views are dying and im hating lots of these chapters.

- sunho.

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