7: Visitor

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Technoblade stood up and put the cup in the kitchen, before climbing into the basement. Before climbing all the way down the ladder though, he threw a deck of cards at me. Thanks Technoblade, I couldn't believe he was able to get them. What an awkward man.

I guess he wasn't used to talking about himself or something. I stood up and grabbed the deck. Before leaving my cup int the kitchen and opening the door. For the second time that day, I walked outside into the frigid outdoors. I walked down the stairs, said a hello to the horse, and opened a portal into the afterlife.

It was like a tear, an oval shaped hole in the air, rippling in the air. I stepped through and felt immensely cold. I shivered as I reached the other end. I heard the portal close behind me and I looked around.

It was still the same, train running down an empty tunnel. Uncomfortable seats, hand rails, and doors that would never open.

Wilbur was sitting down on one of the seats muttering to himself. Not too far away was the President, laughing loudly and trying to gain the attention of Wilbur.

Wilbur was trapped in purgatory with no way out. His eyes were bloodshot and his hair facing every different direction. It seemed like he had lost count of how many times he had passed the same turns, the same lights, the same sounds. The monotony was probably driving him insane.

Wilbur finally noticed me, and he stood up, it was special here, to see something different. Wilbur spoke with a shocked tone, "What are you doing here?" he asked.

"I've come to check on you," Thanatos replied. "How are you doing?"

Wilbur shook his head in disbelief, his eyes widening and a wild grin on his mouth, "I can't believe you're here. I thought you were a hallucination, something I came up with in my brain but you're right here! Oh something to break the repeating and repeating and repeating. But you, you're the grim reaper, you can get me out of here cant you? You have to get me out of here."

Wilbur's initial excitement quickly turned to pleasing, a maniacal laugh escaping his throat as he continued ranting. This wasn't good, an eternal purgatory was good for no one.

A voice called out from down the train car, "Who's there?! Wilbur is there someone new?!" The voice sounded bored.

Wilbur laughed more and muttered to himself before yelling at the president, "This is mine, mine mine mine, you're here to check up on me, NOT THE BASTARD WHO STOLE MY LMANBURG FROM ME."

There was an eerie laughing that came from the President. I sat down next to Wilbur, opting to ignore the other insane person. My cloak rustling as I moved. "I know it's been tough for you, Wilbur. But I cannot do anything, I cannot help unless someone from your realm revives you."

Wilbur looked down at his hands, the smile fading, "No way, no way to escape, I'm.. stuck here aren't I?"

I put a hand on his shoulder. "You never know, you have a god who loves you very much Y'know, anything could happen. I'm sorry I didn't visit earlier, time works differently here. What feels like months to you could be mere moments in the grand scheme of things."

Wilbur sighed and looked up at me, tears started to fall down his face, "I just want to go home."

I patted him on the back, "I know you do but for now, you have to make the best of your situation. I'll be here, I'll come and visit to keep you company."

Wilbur looked at me, his eyes pleading. "You promise?"

I leaned in closer. "I got you a gift, and if you want, I can send a message to the people you know in the living realm."

Wilbur nodded slowly, the words making him think. "I- thank you, why are you doing this? Why me?"

I smiled. "I know your father, he, well he cares about you a lot."

I pulled out the deck of cards, Wilbur calmed down immensely since I arrived, and it was probably time for me to leave. Time was weird here, if I spent too long, I could end up spending years here.

Wilbur looked up at me as I stood up, "Are you leaving already?"

I nodded, "I'll be back soon, just, try not to lose yourself here.. alright?"

I left the deck on the seat that I was sitting in.

It was Wilbur's turn to nod, he whispered a thank you as I opened a portal to the living realm. I stepped through and took one last glance back at the young adult.

Wilbur looked through the portal, directly at me, "Please, tell my father I love him, and that I'm sorry."

I nodded and the portal closed and there was something in his eyes that wasn't where before, hope. He was still stuck on that train, still trapped in the afterlife. But hopefully, he would feel better.

I was back at the snowy cabin. The sun was high in the sky and there was no telling how long I had been gone. I walked up the stairs and into the house. Closing the door behind me, I climbed the ladder upstairs and flopped on the couch, not even having the energy to wrap myself in a blanket.

My eyes closed and I fell asleep, what an exhausting day.

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