32: Guitar

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After Tommy made his realization, he would not come out of his little hole, I busied myself with house chores. Techno did Technoblade stuff, which probably includes hours of murder or something like that.

It was so very boring.

There was nothing to do when stuck in one place, and I couldn't leave, not when there were people who knew I was there and that I was supposed to be there.

Phil was still at L'Manburg, and Wilbur was probably strumming the guitar I brought him.

Was this the greatness of life? Being holed up? It was almost like I was still invisible.

So I left, put a note on the anvil that I was going exploring, and just, walked away.

I'd be back, I just needed some excitement for once. I had some iron tools I stole from a chest, and some bread.

Breathing in the nice cold air, I undid my mask and let it hang around my neck, my hair ruffled in the wind, and the snow crunched beneath my feet.

I first arrived at a taiga village, a small fence was put up to stop intruders or zombies, and I nodded to the guards who eyed me warily. It probably wasn't common for newcomers to visit, especially ones dressed like me.

I walked around the cobblestone paths and watched the town, kids were running around playing, and villagers gossiped with each other about random topics.

The most interesting part of the village was the market, where all sorts of things were for sale. The items ranged from winter clothing to finely carved wooden instruments.

I picked up a guitar and strummed a few strings. From my time with Wilbur, he had been trying to get me to learn how to play, and I could now play a couple of simple chords.

I put a couple pieces of gold down and the villager started to grab change. I waved her off and she thanked me.

Taking the guitar, I strummed some random strings and walked around town. There was nothing else that interested me, and I left the town, waving to the guards who just frowned.

I debated bringing the guitar straight to Wilbur, it was a total impulse purchase, and it's not like I had somewhere to keep it.

The guitar was made of spruce wood, shining in the sunlight, a nice acoustic that would hopefully please Wilbur. I put it away, pulling out a piece of bread to munch on.

Hunger was no longer so new to me, and I'd been experimenting with different types of food. Bread was a staple, a little boring but it was always good.

Sometimes Techno would come and cook something usually containing potatoes, and it was always delicious. Tommy constantly chewed on golden apples, and when he tried to cook once, he set a small fire and Techno banned him from the furnace.

Techno usually ate golden carrots as a snack, what expensive taste. After trying a few, I could see the appeal, but the crunch was just a little too much for me.

Golden apples were tasty, yet the effect made me nauseous after eating more than a couple of them.

I'd found my favorite things were baked potatoes, which Technoblade would sometimes make, and salmon that I grilled after fishing.

There wasn't much in choice of drinks, but a nice warm tea in the cold weather was nice.

With all of the thinking about food, I didn't even notice the time it took to get back home. I was just approaching evening, and the golden hour was about to start, which would lay a yellow hue all over the land.

I put my mask back on, and when I reached the inside of the cabin, shrugged off the winter jacket I wore, and hung it on one of the hooks that stuck out of the wall.

Tommy sat near the fire, and he looked up at my arrival, "Where have you been all day? It's been so boring staying here all the time."

I wiped the snow off of my shoes and sat next to the boy, reaching my hands out to feel the heat of the fire, "I went off exploring, cabin fever y'know."

Tommy huffed, leaning back on the weight of his hands, "Well take me next time, it's been ages since I've had a good Tommy Adventure with a sidekick."

I turned around, shoving the kid softly, "I ain't no sidekick, you were in the basement, I didn't even know if you'd want to go."

He stammered a bit before responding, "Yeah well you were wrong. I love to explore, I'm a big manly man."

I just stared at him, and he started to chuckle before looking back at the fire and asking, "Where'd you go anyways? There's nothing interesting here 'cept for snow."

I looked into the fire, the flickering flames dancing, "I found a village about a third of the day away, they were a bit wary of me but it was fine."

"You went to an entire village?! Without me?" Tommy exclaimed, wide eyed.

"I mean I just.. found it. Went to the market, they had a lot of things for sale. Bought something, then left, it wasn't too interesting." I explained, not knowing why he was so riled up.

"What did you get? Is it something for me?" He asked, reaching out with open palms which I slapped away.

"You wish, I got a guitar, figured it would be good so I wouldn't have to borrow W-"

I shut my mouth, and Tommy whipped towards me, "Borrow whose? No one here owns a guitar. In fact, the only people who own a guitar is either Big Q, or Will"

I kept my mouth closed, I'd gotten too comfortable, and messed up, I waved him away, "I just wanted to practice, and it looked interesting."

He looked dismayed for a moment, but then reached out again, "Show me."

It wasn't a question, it was a command, and there's no way I would listen to that. He opened and closed his fist, motioning for me to hand it over, right when Technoblade entered and startled both of us.

Tommy's attention was taken away and he ran up to the spot covered Techno, bombarding him with random questions. During which I headed upstairs to take out the guitar.

The craftsmanship was exquisite, and I put it under the couch where I slept to keep it safe. I probably should've gotten a case, but at least it would be safe until I decided to visit Wilbur again.

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