
1.9K 76 5

Set list 3:
This Is How We Do It, Montell Jordan- Performed by The Acafellas
Poison, Bell Biv Devoe- Performed by The Acafellas
Upside Down, Jack Johnson- Performed by Nicholas Henley
Bust Your Windows, Jazmine Sullivan- Performed by Mercedes Jones
I Wanna Sex You Up, Colour Me Badd- Performed by The Acafellas


It has been a full week in the glee club and the abuse from his teammates on the hockey team was yet to die down.
"Look I get it, your old man was a singer, but the glee club? Come on dude you're asking to be bullied." One of his teammates called Jason tells him, as they're all getting changed.
"I don't see the issue?" Nick replies putting his hockey jersey on.
"There isn't one. Is there boys?" Tyler interjects, looking sternly at his team, who reply with no's. Nick looks over gratefully at him as Tyler nods back.
"I mean if you're into sequins and patterns, all that homoexplosion bullshit then no there isn't a problem." Dave Karofsky speaks up, as some of the team snicker.

"Hey what's going on in here!" Coach Williams yells, walking into the changing room and seeing the heated atmosphere.
He looks round and sees Nick frowning.
"Nick? You mind telling me?" The coach asks him.
"No coach, nothings wrong." Nick replies, glaring at Dave which doesn't go unnoticed by the coach.

During practice Nick was an animal he body checked Karofksy, and scored a hatrick, his team mates completely forgetting the confrontation in the locker room.
"Iceman over here!" His coach yells, Nick skates over to his coach as the rest of the team head in to get changed. Karofksy glares at the boy as he takes his helmet off before going into the locker room.
"I hear you joined the glee club?" The coach asks, raising an eyebrow at his player.
"Yes coach, I, if it's a problem then I'll quit." Nick replies.
"Oh no god no! Not a problem for me buddy, I think it's admirable. You know, I was actually in the glee club when I came here. Your dad was here as well his cool rock band." Coach Williams tells him.

Nick gulps dreading that one of the men he looks up to the most is going to be one of his dads many admirers.
"Between me and you, he was an absolute arse to me. Bullied me from the moment I stepped foot in this place to the moment I left. I know the likes of karofsky may have something to say but it's just noise. Remember that Nick... just noise." The coach pats him on the shoulder, Nick smiles at him and then skates off to get changed for rehearsal.

Nick sprints down the hall and burst into the choir room.
"You're late!" Rachel shouts over at him.
"I know I'm sorry, I had hockey practice and coach needed to speak to me after. Sorry everyone, Mr Schue." Nick apologises.
"It's okay. We were just going over some moves, join in Nick." Mr Schue smiles over at him, as Nick drops his bag and gets into the line.
"Actually could we stop please?" Rachel asks.
"You don't have to ask me permission eveytime you need to go to the bathroom Rachel." Mr Schue replies.
"It's not my bladder it's this choreography." Rachel answers, she goes on to explain that though he's a great vocal coach he's not a trained choreographer.

Nick looks around awkwardly knowing this has hit a nerve with Mr Schue, his eyes fall on Quinn who is intently staring at Rachel, "What have you done?" He whispers, as she turns around and glares at him. She then steps forward looking at the teacher, "Did you ever perform Mr Schuester? After high school did you even try?" The room falls silent as Mr Schuester doesn't reply.


For once Nick is one of the first in his science lab waiting for his partner to arrive so they can work on their science project. His eyes follow the blonde cheerio as she walks in not glancing up at him once, she sits down next to him putting her books and staring straight ahead. He looks at the side of her face, as she continues to ignore him.

Stubborn Love- Quinn FabrayWhere stories live. Discover now