Vitamin D

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It's My Life/Confessions, Bon Jovi and Usher- Performed by The New Direcrion Boys
Halo/Walking On Sunshine, Beyoncé and Katrina and The Waves- Performed by The New Direction Girls


Vitamin D

Another morning of glee rehearsal consisted off Mr Schue grilling simple dance moves into them. Nick was sat on the side with Kurt, Finn and Artie. Finn and Nick both looked like they'd not been to sleep in two days, Nick felt like he was a zombie as he leant against the piano, slowly nodding off until the school bell startled him. Things at home had been getting worse for Nick, his dads wild once a week parties were turning into three day benders. Women, drugs and booze were constantly in his house and he hadn't had a good nights sleep in a week.

Nick was slowly walking down the corridor, trying to stay awake.
"Hey iceman!" He hears his ice hockey coach call out. Nick turns sluggishly and tries to smile at the man, "Coach Williams, hi, is everything okay?"
The coach looks at one of star players and is worried.
"Nick, I'm worried. You look like you could be an extra on the walking dead. Is everything okay at home? Have you slept at all?" Coach Williams questions.
Nick panics he can't tell his coach the truth, so he does what he does best when it comes to talking about his dad, he lies, "Yes coach everything's fine, I'm just not sleeping well." The coach looks at him questioningly, but decides not to push the boy, "Okay well... practice is after school, but Nick I think you need some rest, so for this one I'll let you miss it okay?" Nick nods at his coach gratefully who bids him farewell and walks away.


The next day Nick had still not slept properly his dad had another night of blaring music and loud sex with what sounded like a banshee. Nick was in an awful mood, he valued his sleep and right now it was all he wanted.
"Competition. Everyone of these people or elements was a champion in their own right, but they used competing with each other to make themselves even better." Mr Schue enthusiastically shouts, scaring Nick.
"I don't understand how lightning is in competition with an above ground swimming pool?" Kurt fairly questions.
"Just go with it! You guys have become complacent, you were great at the invitational, but you gotta up your game if you wanna get through sectionals. Okay, split up, guys on the left side, girls on the right side." Mr Schue instructs, Nick was yet to move still sat down his hat covering half of his face.

"Nick, Nick!" The voice of Mr Schue makes him jump, everyone in the room is staring at him as he falls of the chairs he'd somehow manage to lay across.
"Sorry Mr Schue! Yeah competition boys vs girls." He says, standing up and dusting of his trousers. He looks over at the girls who are giggling at him, "We've got this in the bag, look at Finn and Prince Charming they're running on like... 5% energy." Santana whispers loud enough for everyone to hear, but Nick can't even muster enough energy to respond as he looks over at Finn who is yawning, in return making Nick yawn himself.
The girls leave excitedly as Mr Schue is speaking to boys team, "Finn, Nick you okay? You both seem a little out of it."
"Just a little run down Mr Schue, that's it." Finn replies, as Puck ushers him off to football practice.
"And you Nick, why are you so tired?" Mr Schue questions.
"I'm just not sleeping too well Mr Schue, nothing to worry about." Nick tries to reassure his coach, but just like his ice hockey coach he's not convinced as he watches the boy leave.

It was midday and Nick was completely zonked out, he was in science class when someone keeps repeatedly nudging him.
"Nick, Nick! You're drooling on the presentation I'm not starting again because of you!" He sits up and looks at the blonde cheerleader next to him through half shut eyes.
"Huh? Where, where am I?" He mumbles out rubbing his eyes.
"Science class, now would you kindly wake up so we can get on with this presentation. I don't need this being another thing to stress me out." Quinn states, but then looks over at her partner whose eyes have yet again closed, "Nick! Seriously go see the school nurse or something!" He nods and stands up and walks out of the door straight towards the nurses office, however, he's pulled into a room before he can even make it.

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